how they find you

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Lep pov:
I was on patrol when i heard a baby crying from an ally way i decided to check it out and see what was there. I jumped down to the ground and I saw a small box, the where crying was coming from. I decided to open it, there i saw a cold, shivering mutant lizards baby , I didn't think for a second and quickly picked her out and jumped across the buildings, stopping at the man hole. When i got in the sewer the man hole closed by it self making a loud bang which made the little girl cry very loud,
"Its OK, no need to cry, I've got you"
She stopped crying to my surprise,
"Wow you actually stop, don't worry i will take care of you".when i got to my  room sneaking past my brothers  i put her down on my bed while i when to get a blanket for her,
"Don't worry you are safe now i will tell my brothers and master splinter in the morning"

Ralf ❤
No ones POV:
Ralf was on patrol when he saw a van zooming past, he decided to chase it and see what was going on, when he stopped the van from doing any destruction he heard a baby crying from inside of the truck and quickly ripped open the back doors to make sure everyone was ok, and see what was happening, what he saw was a pretty scary, he saw a woman badly hurt and the crying baby he quickly ran to the woman to make sure that she was ok when he asked what happened the woman didn't respond with anything of what happened she only said
"please take care of my baby girl please'
Before Ralf  had a chance to talk it was to late,the woman had gone.
Ralf listened to the woman picking up the baby to see she is a lizard mutant baby and running home with the crying baby in his hands ,Ralf when through the entrance of the sewer running past his brothers without being noticed.
He went in to my room laying her down on my bed to rest knowing he was going to tell his family in the morning.

Donnie💜 pov:
I was in my lab watching the cams I  put around NYC and the sewers,when I was about to fall asleep when I saw someone come in the sewer I sat up straight away worried because all my brothers and master splinter we asleep, i looked on the cams and saw a small woman with a basket which she had put down on the sewer floor, then she quickly ran out to the streets of NYC, I grabbed my jear and ran in to the sweater to check out what the woman have put down when I got to the sewer entrance,I saw the basket, when I was about to pick it up I heard a little sniffel . I was a little shocked when I looked in to the basket I saw a pink blanket and a  lizard mutant i looked to see the gender to see they are a girl don't worry little one i will take care of you i turned around going back in the lair and putting the baby carefully putting her my bed to rest
"I will tell my family in the morning".

Mike POV:
It was late at night and I decided to go to the skat park to chill and have fun,when I was about to turn the corner to the skate park I saw a basket with a pick blanket i carefully walked up to it to see a lizer mutant baby. I actually felt bad for the thing, i wanted to take care of them so I checked there gender and found out they were girl. I jumped across building with the baby sleeping peacefully, i got to the manhoel and when in the sewers hiding the small baby in my hand, sneaking in to my room without being noticed i knew i had to tell my brother and father about her.

Hi just to let you know there will be more parts when i mean more i mean there will be alot more thank you bye oh and i do have school so please be patient with me and i dont know much About the tmnt 💙❤💜🧡🐢🐢🐢🐢

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