Chapter 1: Izuku Midoriya Origin

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Some people said that men are created equally and that heaven does not create one man above the other and the quote ends there but that's not the whole thing, as we are all made equally at birth but as we grow older the differences become apparent. But when Quirk came into the world the things that made us so different from one another became clear to see as 80% of the world's population while the other 20% remained normal, With the beginning Quirks came a wedge that divide us even further from each other and a new profession "Heroes". But something like already existed long ago with an organization called the "Assassin Brotherhood" but where there is good evil lurks around the corner another organization called the "templars". These two groups have been at war with each other since 1165 fighting and killing each other for an item called the philosopher's stone, An item of unimaginable power. The Templars believe that peace can only be obtained when you are held to a leash and with this item they can do just that and the Assassin's believed such an item should belong in the hands of man and it's better for such an item to remain a mere legend. Their war for the philosopher's stone went for a millennium until the stone was in the possession of the Assassins and while the power surrounding it was enough to corrupt some of their more veteran members some most of them resisted the allure of power and stayed true to their mission and destroyed the stone. And with the destruction of the stone came the end of the war and the end of the factions as the templars and Assassin slowly faded from the records of history. But we pick up in the modern time with a Father and his son named Izuku sitting on his lap in his All might onesie and toy in his hand watching All might the Animated series, His son is a huge all might fan and with his friend Katsumi both of them have dream of becoming heroes like him.

Izuku: He's the coolest in the universe, And once I get my quirk I'm gonna be a hero just like him.

As Izuku professed this holding his All might toy and doing his best imation of All-might's laugh his dad merely giggled as he placed his hand on Izuku's head and asked him a question.

Hisashi: Do you know why he's the coolest Izuku?

When he asked his son that Izuku lit up with excitement as he was about to answer his father.

Izuku: It's because he's super strong and fast, and he saves everyone with a smile on his saying "I AM HERE".

Izuku puffed out his chest trying to look heroic. Hisashi giggled at his son for a second and then he was done he tapped Izuku's head.

Hisashi: While you are about that, what I think makes him the coolest is that I feel that he would've saved even if he didn't have a Quirk. You see heroes and villains aren't all that different look think about and to tell you the truth there too side of the same coin, every great hero is defined by his villains. What makes a hero isn't how flashy or powerful their quirk is, it more about what is in here and here.

Hisashi touched Izuku's chest where his heart is and then his head where his brain before he continued.

Hisashi: And regardless of what quirk you have, you still have the strength to save the people to your left and right, you can be as normal as me. If you take my fire breath I'm just your run of the mill you see everyday but I can be a hero in my own right if pull someone out of a car accident or save someone for getting hit by a car, you see son we've have in our lives now but that doesn't mean that they can fix every problem we face. All of us the power to help ourselves and the person to our left and right, Say your cat get struck in a tree you don't need a hero to come and get it for you, you can came that tree and get the cat, you can call your friends for help, you can call the police from help, the firemen, there so many we all can do to help ourselves. But it's also important that you know your limitations alright, just don't be a bystander in a situation where you can help others Okay?

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