chapter five

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-so this case did happen in the show, but none of the names or victims or whatever are gonna match. sorry.-

*back in florence's POV*

          I walked over to Aaron, who was still sound asleep at his desk. I knew that he had trouble sleeping at home, so I felt terrible waking him up. 

          "Can you guys not just stand there staring? It's bloody awkward." The team grumbled and left the doorway, going back to their respective desks. They were still staring through the window, but at least they weren't three feet away. I gently placed my hand on his hair, smoothing it back in one motion. 

         "Cherie, wake up," I whispered. I then lightly shook his shoulder. "Aaron, Aaron. Wake up." His eyes fluttered open slowly.

         "Flor?" His voice was raspy and tired. He looked around, and I guess he remembered falling asleep, because he didn't look surprised.

         "How'd you sleep?" I watched as he yawned.

         "Better than I have in months, weirdly enough." At that, I giggled.

         "Well it must be this office, because so did I."

         "You slept here?" There was a bit of surprise on his face, like he didn't really expect me to stay.

         "Of course. You thought I was going to let you stay here alone? Please." I stared in his eyes, and I saw that flicker of something. Trust, I realized. Like last night. The only other person I'd ever seen him look at in that way was Emmy, and I knew that they had a strange bond that none of us could understand. Either way, I was elated to be someone that he could trust in. I faltered when trying to speak again. "Let's- let's go. The others are downstairs waiting for a briefing." I offered my hand and helped him get up from his desk, taking in his appearance. His hair was messy, and he still had his suit on from the day before, though now it was all wrinkled. "Ha! apparence comique." I giggled, and Aaron looked at me strangely.

       "What?" He tilted his head.

      "Oh. You look funny, and your tie is all crooked," I explained while straightening his tie. I then reached up on my tiptoes and combed my fingers through his hair, fixing it. "There you go, just as Bossy-Hopscotch as ever."

       "Will you stop calling me Hopscotch?" 

       I grinned, "Never." The two of us walked out of his office, where I saw Emily and Penny give me a subtle thumbs up. "Round table, my loves!" I yelled. "No rest for crime-stoppers!" Spencer came over and slung an arm around my shoulders as we walked over to the briefing room. 


"Hey Boy Genius. Did you do movie night without me?" Spencer scoffed and put a hand over his heart in mock-hurt. "I could never."

"Right answer," I giggled and hugged him. "When we get back from this case though, its Doctor Who time."



          The seven of us sat around the round table, watching Penelope pull up crime scene photos on the big screen. 

          "Whatcha got for us Penny?" I questioned.

          "Suit up gorgeous, this one's a doozy. Clarke Rita was just abducted sometime last night from her bedroom. They broke in through the window, slit the parents throats, and took her."

          "How's this our case, babygirl?" Morgan asked.

          "Because, there have been 20 identical kidnappings over the past 50 years, all girls under the age of 10, both parents dead, broken windows. But they've been across so many different states with years between them, so local police never connected the dots."

I widened my eyes in shock, looking around at my fellow team members, who were all exhibiting a similar surprised look. Hotch stood up and closed his file,

"None of the girls were ever recovered. Grab your bags, wheels up in 30."




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