chapter eight

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         I walked into the bullpen with a blueberry Redbull in my right hand, an iced triple espresso in my left, and three pastry bags in between my teeth.

         I made my way over to Spencer's desk, releasing my jaw, and allowing the bags to fall onto his lap. "Morning, love. You mind grabbing yours and putting the others back?"

         Spencer looked at me, assessed the situation, and I suppose he decided not to ask. He took the bag with the blueberry muffin, and held the other two up.

         He reached for the espresso, "Ooh, is this for-" I cut him off by biting his finger. "Ow!"

                 "Bad boy. They're both mine." I glared at him and snatched the other two bags with my teeth, flashing one last playful look before moving up to Hotch's office, dropping the Red Bull on my desk. "Bossman!"

                  He looked up, "Morning, Flor. What's up?"

                  "Ohh, nothing. Just bringing a croissant to my favorite boss."

He tentatively grabbed the bag out of my hand. "What do you want?"

                  "Who says I want anything, Aaron? I can't bring a pastry to my boss at seven-fifteen in the morning?" I shot him a dazzling smile.

                  He grinned. "I know you want something." He shook his head and looked down, "But I suppose you'll tell me when."

                  "Don't hold your breath. Also, you're very welcome for the pastry," i teased as I walked towards the door.

                  "Flor?" I stopped.


                   "I saw you walk in with the Red Bull," He said accusingly, with playfulness in his eyes. I turned around slowly, the guilt evident on my face.

                    "Okay before you say anything-"


                    "I was up like, super late last night finishing case files and I had to wake up extra early and my head hurts like a bitch and it's really not fair because you know I can't properly function without caffeine and I brought you a croissant so I think you should forgive me," I shot out in one long breath, quite rapidly. He sighed.

                    "Okay, fine. But honestly, you really shouldn't be drinking this much caffeine in the morning. Also, maybe not Red Bulls? We are in the FBI, it looks like a high school."

             I grinned. "Hopscotch, you truly are the best,"

                    "Please don't call me-"

             I cut him off, "And I promise not to drink Redbull in the office anymore. However, I promise nothing on the subject of Ultraviolet Monsters. Thanks, Bossman! Bye!" I quickly exited the office, only turning around once to see Hotch shake his head in disappointment, but with a grin evident on his face."


             I twirled around in my chair. "I'm bored. Paperwork sucks ass. I wanna cut into someone's abdomen."

            Spencer circled his chair to face me. "I volunteer," He said with a dead serious expression.  I giggled. 

           "Well, I suppose I could use a spinal epidural and take out your appendix. It's not like you need it," I shrugged.

            "I am actually very down for that."

            "Wonder Twins! No backwoods surgery on my watch. Giggles, if you're really itching that bad, go help the ME with autopsies."

            I lit up with a smile. Hotch was listening to our conversation, and I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. 


            "No, Briar-"

            "Please, please please please please pleeeeeeeease?"

            "Florence, you really cannot-"

            "Okay, if you don't let me, I might end up cutting out Reid's appendix, which I'm pretty sure would end you up with a ton of paperwork. Also, he might die. The cadavers are already dead. Pleaseeeeeee? I'm useless at paperwork anyways," I got on my knees and begged like a child. 

            Hotch sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh jesus. Fine! Will you get up?"

           I squealed and jumped up to hug him, while he stood stiffly. "Thank you so so so so much! I will bring you coffee every single day for the next month! I fucking love you Bossman!" I shot the team a toothy grin and gathered my things. "Au revoir, bitches!" I practically sprinted to the elevator.

          When I was gone, the whole team stared at Hotch with teasing smirks.

          "Oh shut up. Go back to work."


hey yall! sorry for the kinda short ish chapter. please drop a comment, i read them all and it makes my day. also if you liked, pls vote. 


much love, grey<3

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