Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After the Miller siblings auditioned and nobody further came to audition, even not Sam. Everyone went home.
When James and Ember got in the car it was silent, Ember looked out of the car window and James drove the car. He was still enjoyed from the audition the two did. He was even happy to see the smile on Ember her face.

So when they got in the car and Ember was again quiet he was a little bit sad. He looked sometimes to the right to check his little sister, but after that he would focus again on the road.

When they came home James wasn't even surprised to see that their mother wasn't home. She worked mostly at day at the airport the closest by Lima, to be at night home for her children. It was always like that.

James parked the car in a carpool and tapped his sister on the shoulder. Ember got on autopilot out of the car and she took her backpack from the backseat to walk after that to the door. She opened the door with the key and then she went inside. She walked immediately to the kitchen to take a drink and her pills. 'Cause her knee hurts. After that she went to the living room.

James had put the TV on and he sat already on the bank watching a Dutch movie. Ember had joined him and they watched together "Achtste groepers huilen niet" they've seen the Dutch movie all for too many times, but everytime they watch it it would be beautifuler.

After the movie finished, they started both making their homework. And after a while Ember started talking.

'I danced today' Ember said to James. James smiled at that, happy to see piece by piece his little sister come back to the girl she was before the accident. 'I missed it, that all my worries go away, but I couldn't get the fourth and the fifth position, because my knee hurt.' Again James smiled, only not on the last part of the sentence from Ember. He knew that the knee would restrict her from dancing or other things where you need to move much.

When it was 6 pm, the siblings got some lasagna and they ate before the TV. They watched to Sue's Corner, but after that Ember went to bed.

Ember was in her room, she had her pj's on and she tried to sleep. But she kept thinking about Liz and the happy moments with her. Tears came in her eyes and she closed her eyes, but opened them again. She stood up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. Ember took out sleep pills and some water to drink. Then she went back in bed to try again for some sleep.


'Ember pak me dan!' a young Liz called out. Ember and Liz were playing catcher and James was watching while he needed to make some homework. (Ember catch me then!)

The two young girls were happy and unknown for the future that would came. They would play everytime after school time and then they would sing and dance trough the whole house. When one of their mothers was there they would let them watch the 'performance' and then they would get a muffin for the good performance.

'Em, Liz, mam heeft het eten klaar' James called out to the two playing girls. The girls ran to the inside of the house and went to the table to get ready to eat. After dinner Liz would go home and they would see each other at school the next day. Those two girls were friends for life, literally. (Em, Liz, mom got dinner ready)


After Liz went home, the scene changed. They were in the car. Liz her last sparkle was visible in her eyes and Ember was unconscious. Liz looked sad at Ember, knowing that she would hurt after this day. Then she heard the sirenes and she tried to stay awake, but she couldn't. Liz Lockhart was dead, just like Kira Lockhart.


Ember shot up. She never had this part of her dream. It was always how Liz told her to move on, but this time was something she never knew. It was after she lost conscious. After this dream Ember couldn't get back to sleep and she tossed and turned in her bed for the rest of the night.

Ember got tired of the tossing and turning and went downstairs. She went to the bank after she took the Hunger games out of her backpack. She began to read further in the book and after some time her eyes closed. She slept further without any dreams.


The next morning Isobel Miller, went downstairs after she got dressed. She checked up to see her children sleeping in their bedrooms, but wasn't surprised when she didn't see Ember laying in her own bed. Isobel was used to her nights awake and that she would go to the bank in the living room just to read.

She did it before the accident and after the accident became it more frequenter than normal. So when she saw her daughter sleeping on the bank she had a sad smile. Sometimes she got not her book at her chest, but a sketchbook. She loved to draw things.

Isobel toke the book from Ember and laid it at the table. She then went to the kitchen to make some pancakes. The pancakes where for her in the lunch, and for Ember and James it was for breakfast. Then she left for her early work session on the airport.


James woke up and he smiled at the thought of his first Glee practice. He went downstairs to wake his sister, because he heard her in the night go downstairs. He also knew about her nights awake just like Isobel. So he was used to it.

When James woke Ember he took also the plates with pancakes out of the refrigerator. And they ate at the dinner table, like every morning. Because the bank was full within blankets and pillows from Ember.

After breakfast the siblings went to school to start their second day at McKinley and their first Glee practice.


Chapter 2 done guys!

So my idea, between every episode of the serie or between most of them. I will make a chapter what doesn't show things on the serie. So you can get an idea of how the life of the Millers is. Or how relationships will go.

I also added some Dutch things, I didn't use translate, because then I needed to translate this whole story cause I'm not English or American I am a proud Netherlander. And the movie 'Achtste groepers huilen niet' I didn't know the translate from it so I give it right now: Eight-graders don't cry.

In that movie there is a girl who gets leukemia, but she wants to play soccer and the tournament of the school soccer. But because it gets too bad, she couldn't do it. The end song of the movie is called in Dutch, 'Dit pakt niemand ons meer af' and in English it is: No one will take this away from us again.

They played this song on my aunts cremation and every time I hear this song I need to cry. Just like 'if I hear if I die young' and think about how young Naya Rivera has died.

Last thing, this book will slowly update and the love story of Santana and Ember will go slowly. I like it to write it that way, and read =)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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