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I love you, but you need to move on when I'm dead
-Liz Lockhart to Ember Miller


3rd POV

It was two weeks before summer break and Liz Lockhart and Ember Miller waited for the mother from Liz to arrive at school. Their school day was finished and they went to Liz her home. They both didn't know that it was the last time to be together. Liz her mother — Kira — stopped before the two girls and they got in the car.

In the car they did a game 'guess the colour' they were on the highway because they lived far from school, but it was possible to get on time in school.

Behind the car where Liz, Kira and Ember sat in, was a drunk driver. The drunk car driver rode the car close to the car of Kira and Kira tried to be careful with the car in the back. So when the drunk guy pulled gas, the car of the drunk guy went to the side, but the car from Kira, Liz and Ember went upside down.

The glass of the windows shattered in thousand pieces, Kira Lockhart was already dead. Ember tried to stay awake and say something to Liz, but she couldn't speak and her breath was unsteady.

"Em, when I'm dead, you need to move on, I love you" Liz said to Ember. Ember shook her head, she tried to move to Liz but every movement did pain. Then she lost conscious.

There came a ambulance, they tried to save Liz, but in the ambulance she died. Ember was put in a coma (idk I never wrote a accident so improve me if you want). There was some glass shards in her leg, head and neck (how did she survive?) but the worst injury was her foot, the police must helped to get her foot loose from the front seat, because she was stuck there.

In the hospital were James and Isobel Miller waiting, they got a call when the police found the bag of Ember. James, her brother hold Isobel, their mother. He pulled on a strong face for his mother, but when they saw Ember laying in the intensive care with a oxygen-mask on her face, he couldn't keep on his strong face. It would look to a stranger she was peacefully asleep, but they knew that it wasn't.

A week. So long they kept Ember in a coma, now their waiting for her to wake up. Two days were James and Isobel Miller waiting when James felt a hand moving. It was Ember who was awoke slowly.

Ember opened her mouth to speak, but there came not a sound. "Try not to speak sweetie" Isobel said to her daughter, ''it wil only hurt you, write your words on the paper,'' she gave a pen and paper. Ember took the paper, but when she tried to write, her writing was unreadable and the words weren't written right, normally Ember hadn't any problems with this, but it could come because the accident.
A doctor came in and wanted to do a check-up on Ember.

Ember tried to move her right feet but it didn't work. The doctor tickled her with a feather but Ember didn't feel something til her knee. She couldn't move her right leg properly and couldn't talk for a while, because throat was sore of the glass shatter that she got in her neck, and her voicebands were recovering.

Another week was over, and she could go home. They would move to Lima, Ohio. Her mother got a job offer in Lima. So James and Ember would start the new school year at William McKinley High School, Ember a sophomore, James a junior.

But first Ember is going in rehab. Trying to use her voice and walk properly with one leg and a knee brace.


Circa 576 words
Prologue finished

Who saw the 100 and knew that the leg injury Ember has I from Raven stole?

I hope you will read the rest of the story after this chapter. But remember I will not copy Glee completely, I will follow the episodes qua songs, but the storyline will be changed.

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