Chapter 18

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"Casper?" I say as I see him walk up to Cam and I.
"Casper!" She shouts. We both run to him and hug him.
"It's been so long girls," he says to us.
"It really has Casp. Why haven't you come back?" Cam asks.
"I was with Trenton and Juliet. Cam, Juliet and I are going to get married. I see that you're engaged to Hunter, and Perrie, congrats on your engagement to Zayn. If he hurts you, tell me and I'll take care of him," he says with a laugh.
"Will do Casp. Thank you," I say.
"Welcome Pez. Now Perrie, is this Hunter guy good? If he's not, I'll have to give my little sis here a stern talking to." I laugh.
"He's all good Casp. He's a great guy, really. He treats your sis great. Trust me, I think Dinah and Jesy would kill him if he didn't. Demi would too."
"Haha. How is she? I mean really?"
"She's okay. She loves the twins. She's engaged to Taroon. He's a great guy Casp, a great guy. Misunderstood, but he's a good one. I thought Papa J was gonna kill him when he hit Lauren, but he's all good now. It's kinda weird cause after that, him and Lauren are practically inseparable. Ever since Lauren and Camila told him and I about their self harm secrets from when they were younger before X Factor, all four of us have gotten really close. Mila's like my little sis now," Cam tells him. Wait what? I'll have to ask her about the Lauren and Camila thing later.
"I'm glad sis. I knew there was something good about her when Jacob told me about her when I died. Camila seems like a good girl. So do you Perrie. Niall seems like a good guy too. How is he? I need to pay him a visit."
"He's not so good. The fans are really hating on him right now, and he's kind of secluded himself from the boys. Zayn's really scared that he's going to hurt himself," I answer.
"Oh wow. I'll see if I can get to him. I have to go, Juliet wants me to meet someone. Trenton wants me to meet someone too. Ill see you guys later," Casper says. We both hug him again.
"See you later Casp," we both say to him. He disappears, and Cam and I are left to ourselves.
"I'm going to call up Niall right now. I haven't talked to him in a while," Cam says. I nod.
"I'm going to call Zayn. I miss him," I say.
"I hope you guys stay together for a long time Perrie. You're really good together, and I can tell you really love him. He loves you so much too."
"Same for you and Hunter. I can see the love in his eyes when he talks about you, it's the same love I see in Taroon's eyes when he talks about Demi, or when Houston talks about Dinah. It's really sweet."
"Yeah. It's crazy cause I remember thinking when I was a teenager that no one would ever love me that way. I watched Casper look at Demi that way. It's the same way he looks now when he talks about Juliet. I think, at one point in time, Demi and Casper were meant for each other. Maybe in an alternate world they would be together. Fate brought them together, but Destiny took Casper home to Juliet and brought Taroon here to Demi. It wasn't a coincidence that they met the way they did. It was Destiny. I truly believe that."
"I believe it too Cam, I believe it too. They were meant to be. Same as you and Hunter, or Houston and Dinah, or even Zayn and I."
"Yeah. Well I'm going to go call Niall. See ya later Pez."
"See ya later Cam." I walk back into the house and call Zayn.
"Hey babe. What's up? You don't usually call at this time," he says.
"I just realized that we're not promised tomorrow, and I want to make sure that I'm going to spend the rest of my life, however long that may be, with you. I'm coming home," I say.
"That's great babe! I can't wait for you to come home."
"I can't either. I love you."
"I love you too Pez. Hey I have to go, Louis needs help with something he's planned for Eleanor."
"Ok, bye baby."
"Bye love." I walk back outside and see Lauren running around with the twins and Ayden. She's such a great mother to Ayden. I run out and scoop Chloe up in my arms.
"Pez!" She exclaims.
"Hey Clo," I say as I set her down.
"Come pway tag with us Pewwie!" Ayden shouts. I smile at him and join them. I love these kids. When Lauren and I get tired, we stop and watch the kids play.
"You're a great mum Lauren," I tell her.
"Thanks Pez. You're going to be a great mother too, I just know it," she replies.
"Thanks Lo. Hey have you heard from Niall in a while?"
"No I haven't. I miss him," she says.
"You like him don't you?" I ask.
"Yeah I do. I really like him, but he's secluded himself from everyone. It worries me."
"Yeah, I'm worried too. Zayn's scared for him."
"I can see. He's always trying to get him to hang out with us or talk at least."
"Yeah, Niall's like his brother, he worries about him."
"I think we all do."
"Mommy! Mommy!" Ayden exclaims.
"What is it Ay?" Lauren says to him.
"Come pway! Come pway Pez! Come pway mommy!" He says. We both look at each other before joining the kids again. Life is great right now. I can't wait to go home before the Cam and Hunter's wedding.
QOTW: Having a rough day? Put your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called a purpose. Your alive for a reason. -Unknown
And to the one I've been talking to about bullying and such(you know who you are) thank you, and you're gonna get through it. Stay strong.:)

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