5: The Fort

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I gathered all the necessary tech for this mission. It's Chloe's first sneaking in type of mission and she's feeling so giddy!

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh." She kept on muttering under her breath.

"Keep quiet, Clo." I said, annoyed.

It's understandable though. Who wouldn't get excited? Maybe it's because I've been training for this my whole life that nothing ever surprises me anymore.

"Let's make Katherine proud." I said before getting off the limo.

Henry parked it kilometres away from the fort. We have to walk, miles. Thank goodness we rested and ate a lot!

"Hayley... I can't... breathe..." Chloe said, clinging onto the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Where's your inhaler?!?!" I panicked. Chloe has a weak body, which is the main reason why she didn't get to train much.

She can only make electronics, think of strategies, but she couldn't win in a physical fight.

"I forgot..."

I frantically searched through my pockets, although I know I didn't bring one. A miracle might happen.

"Chloe." Henry finally arrived! He handed her an inhaler. "You left it in the car."

She took a few huffs. "I- I'm alright now. Sorry."

"Take it easy, Chloe. We have all night to do this."

I reloaded my dart gun. I got this idea from my Kabra cousins. It's not poisonous, though. I just put a chemical which makes one sleep for 8 hours. That should give us more than enough time.

"Please.. please make it..." I muttered. Aiming has always been my weakest point.

I made 3 consecutive shots! Chloe shot the rest of the guards. Henry just stood there, waiting. I remember telling him to let us do all the fun stuff.

"Phew." Chloe sighed. We high-fived. "I feel like a burglar!"

"Now.. where do we look?" I muttered.

So far, we've spent 2 hours in this fort. Still, there's nothing. I felt my phone vibrate.

Dad calling...

"Should I pick up?" I asked.

"It might be something important." Henry said. Chloe simply nodded.

I cleared my throat before picking the call up.

"Hayley Nicole Adamson!" Dad shouted.

He's angry. No, that's an understatement. He's furious, raging, mad, maddeningly angry, furiously-

"Why did you take Chloe with you?!"

"Dad, she wanted to go."

He sighed. "Okay. It's about time for her to train anyway. Ah, I've found something that could help you."

"What is it? We're in the Agra Fort right now." I said.

He clicked his tongue. "Wrong move, Hayl. Do you think Ustad built that?"


"One of our Ekat agents got his hands on the poem in the Taj Mahal. The Holts spotted it too." He said.

"What?!?! How come we didn't-"

"He covered it up well, alright. Sorry about that. Try going to the Red Fort. In Delhi."

"Delhi?!?! Okay, Dad, we're going right away."

I turned to my companions. "Guys, sorry for wasting your energy, but it's not here."

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