Chapter 12: The First Task

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CW/TW: mild violence, blood, injury, fire (Its the first task, you know what to expect)

Stevie's POV

George was gently rubbing my lower back, his hand making small circles. I tried to focus on that, tried to ground myself into something other than the first task. The flurry of wings signaled the arrival of the mail, but I didn't think much about it until a copy of the Daily Prophet and a letter were dropped onto the table in front of me. On the front cover was a photo of Harry and I hugging in the corridor, with the headline reading "Triwizard Tournament Fostering More than Just International Relationships?". I snatched up the paper and began reading the story.

"Sources close to Harry Potter and Stephanie Blythe (daughter of Xander Blythe, Head of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic) say the pair have been inseparable since becoming champions. They spend their time "preparing for the tournament". Perhaps the Chosen One has found his one. More on page 5."

"That motherfucker." George muttered, reading the paper over my shoulder.

Without a word, I handed it to him so he could continue reading, and picked up the letter. It had my name written carefully in controlled script.

"Oh fuck." I said, causing the table to look up at me. "It's from my father."

"What's wrong with that?" Lee asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"My father has never written me a letter which means he must have been the one who sent me the copy of the prophet. I couldn't pick a worse fake boyfriend than Harry if I tried. Though, I honestly suppose George isn't going to be much of a step up." I shook my head and carefully tore open the envelope. The official Ministry seal on the parchment added to the impersonal feel that my father wore so well.


Your mother and I have just received word of your involvement with Harry Potter. We are both incredibly furious. You are well aware of the trouble he causes wherever he goes. We expected more from you. I am already facing an inquiry at work as to how you got your name in the Goblet of Fire. You have never caused us any issues before, and I am sure he is to blame. Annalise Pucey contacted me, expressing her concern for you. I am sure you can understand how embarrassing it is to have an acquaintance in our family's private matters. She told me that Adrian informed her that you were seeing one of the Weasley boys. Although I see that you are not, I am concerned about what behaviors you are exhibiting to make him think such things. If you continue these exploits, we will have no choice but to send you to Beauxbaton with your cousin, to finish your education. I expect not to hear such nonsense, nor read it in the Prophet again.

Xander Blythe
Head of Department of Wizarding Law"

"How bad?" George asked quietly.

My hands were shaking as I handed him over the letter. I stood up and made my way over to the Slytherin table. Adrian was sitting there, animatedly talking to Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.

"You snitched on me to your mother?" I snapped, hitting Adrian in the back of the head.

"Ow!" He yelped, hit hands flying up in defense. "What? I didn't snitch on you, Blythe."

He stood up, facing me and moving closer. Adrian slowly reached his hands up to place it on my shoulders to calm me down.

"Don't touch me. You have been nothing but unpleasant since I was chosen, and you've been absolutely insane since George and I began seeing each other. What is wrong with you?" I stepped away from him.

"Can we talk somewhere more privately?" Adrian asked, dropping his voice.

"I am not going anywhere with you. I don't know why you think you get to control me! As soon as I didn't listen to you once, you try to get my father involved? You're ridiculous."

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