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Hi everyone, this fanfic series is a decent mix of movie and book, along with quite a large amount of my own 'Hiccup flair' thrown in. Characters and personalities are from movies/tv shows at all different handpicked times, dragons are also from movies/tv shows (except half of Toothless (Yes, this will be explained later)), Berk is from the books, so, yeah, there is that, also, Hiccup can talk to dragons like in the books. I hope you enjoy.

It was just another normal day on the wet heap of rock known as Berk... wait, now you know this day will be anything but normal... Eh, anyway, onto the actual story. Oh, wait, the story will be told in 3rd pov. Ok, now- wait, did I forget anything else. *muttering* who, check, where, check, why, why the hell not, how, internet and my brain, when, I don't really care, ok all good. *stops muttering* On with the fanfic.

As I was saying, It was just another normal day on the wet heap of rock known as Berk, well... for now. Today, in the forge a young auburn haired male of 15 years old with two legs was working on a secret project that was almost done, spurred by an offhand remark around a week ago. The boy's name was Hiccup. Hiccup lived on the island known as Berk, he used to be a social outcast and was tormented by almost everybody. Fortunately, he had now found friends in Snothat, no, wait, it's Snotpocket, oh, right, it's actually Snotlout, his cousin and former tormenter, the twins, Ruff and Tuff, a pair of danger loving insane people "united as one living breathing being trying relentlessly to invoke maximum physical harm on the other'', then there was Fishlegs, a dragon geek, if you will, the person with the closest personality to Hiccup's though all are far away, then, last but certainly not least, there was Astrid, fierce axe warrior who Snotlout won't stop trying and failing to flirt with, who also happens to be Hiccup's crush (*squealing* (not mine (I just don't squeal), maybe yours, most certainly Heather's, wait, Heather isn't here, meh she'll come later)). Anyhoo, each of the six kids had a scaly companion, Hiccup has Stormfly, a Deadly Nadder, Snotrag has Meatlug, a Gronckle, Fishlegs has Hookfang, a Monstrous Nightmare. Tuff and Ruff each lay claim to one head of a Hideous Zippleback, named Barf and Belch, respectively, and then Astrid has Toothless, nobody knows what species he is yet. All the dragons had personalities similar to those of their canon riders (a.k.a Hiccup->Toothless... you get the point), this was fun, funny, and also very annoying. Now that you know all those people, let's continue. Hiccup had been in the forge working, eating, sleeping and sometimes disappearing out into the forest, presumably to test something. Meatlug had also been mysteriously disappearing sometimes. Towards the end of day, Hiccup came out of the forge and gathered the group, Snotarm, the twins, Fishlegs, Astrid, and himself, also called 'The Gang' for short because, let's be real, it can get annoying saying all their names over and over again. As Hiccup just finished his final touches, Hookfang barged in, all riled up after who knows what. "Hookfang, please be calm, I don't want you to accidentally destroy my stuff" "Oh, sorry Hiccup, by the way, the others are awaiting your arrival at the cove" "Ok, you go on ahead, I'll meet you there." Yes, Hiccup could talk to dragons, nobody had the faintest clue why, most didn't even know he could.

What stuff was Hiccup making?

Also, yes, I know the whole dragons and people thing is confusing, but you shall see, dear readers, you shall see.

Oh right, Toothless's tail is not half-gone at this point.

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