It Didn't Say Anything About

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How was the last chap?

What is Hiccup actually making?

Once Hiccup entered the cove, new creations in a bag and Meatlug carrying one of Gobber's second-best tier iron dummies which have only ever been scratched by ballistas, he was swarmed by everybody else, all asking questions about what he made or just random stupid questions (yes, I'm looking at you, Ruff... Tuff...)

Once he had calmed them all down, Hiccup said "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've had you assemble here today, and the answer is that I wanted to show you all my latest project."

Fishlegs then asked what the dummy was for and for that Hiccup just handed Astrid an ax and guided everybody away from the dummy. He soon motioned for Astrid to attack the dummy.

She did, not exactly believing anything would happen to the dummy as the blade was far too light and would probably shatter, then again, Hiccup wouldn't make her do that if he knew the blade would just shatter. Everybody except Hiccup was incredibly surprised when the dummy's head just slid right off. He dismissed it like nothing and pulled what appeared to be saddles out of his bag of stuff. The twins knew exactly what they were for and were confused because Berkian law specifically stated that riding your bonded dragon was completely illegal and would result in banishment. Hiccup just told Snotlout to get on Hookfang, Fishlegs on Meatlug, Hiccup told the twins to switch heads, and then got on Toothless. Astrid was really concerned but got on Stormfly anyway, besides, if something went wrong she would just blame Hiccup. "Take off guys." The dragons took off and they all started flying around town. They were all quickly spotted and motioned to land. They obeyed and landed.

By this time, Stoick had been alerted of the situation and was there, and very angry. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS" "Nice to see you too Dad..." "You all do know that I have to banish you for this." "You can't, we didn't break any laws." "I'm not stupid, you were all just riding bonded dragons, besides, even if they were wild you'd get banished anyway." Hiccup just started laughing and Stoick was very confused. "Why are you laughing, you're getting banished...."

"The law states one may not ride a wild dragon or their own bonded dragon." "Exactly, and you were all riding bonded dragons" "Right, but the law never says anything about riding another's bonded dragon" "But that'd be stealing, taking one of their things without permission" Hiccup just chuckled a bit more. "Dad, you are aware it's not stealing if you have permission to take said possession, right?" "Wait, but, what, how?" "I guess you shouldn't have told me to go read the law books when I was seven." Gobber who had just hobbled up but had heard most of the conversation was also laughing. "Ay, the laddie's got ya there Chief." Stoick was almost mad but he knew that was just such a Hiccupy way to point out a loophole in the law system. "Well, I am glad you noticed that loophole and were kind enough to point it out." was about the only chiefly thing Stoick could say in such a situation. "I'm guessing you would rather I just tell you about these things." Stoick nodded in agreement and walked away.

"Oh, laddie, one of ma dummies went missin, think you could find it for meh?" "Absolutely Gobber." Hiccup just reached into one of the compartments on his saddle and handed the head to Gobber. "How did yiu..." Hiccup just walked away leaving poor Gobber incredibly confused.


As Hiccup walked into his house later that day, he quite literally walked into Stoick. "Hiccup" "Dad" "You'll be glad to know I brought that whole dragon riding nonsense to the council and we decided to fix the law to state that there will be no riding dragons at all." Hiccup was not very glad as he had quite enjoyed the feeling of freedom flying brought to him, but he couldn't exactly say that so he just muttered a quiet thanks. Then he thought of something else, but that would have to wait until tomorrow.


As he expected, the gang and their dragons were all there with things to say and ask about yesterday. He couldn't understand any of them since they were all talking over each other, so he just stood there with an unamused look on his face until they all realized this. Hiccup pointed to Fishlegs. "Ok, ok, Hiccup, what was that metal yesterday, I mean it sliced through solid iron like a warm knife through yak butter." "That is something I'm going to call Gronckle Iron." "Why?" "Because I fed Meatlug certain rocks and she puked it up." "Ok, but how did you know such a thing even existed?" "A long, long time ago, when we were all like 10, I had wound up visiting Gothi. As I was healing from a particularly bad session of being beaten half to death, I started reading all the not healing related books she had. In one such book was a random list of prophecies. Reading through them I noticed something about a metal made of 3 parts limestone, 2 parts sandstone, and 1 part iron ore all fed to a Gronckle. I decided to try making it and what do you know?" Hiccup points to the twins. "Ok, H, yesterday was/ sooooo much fun/ when will we do it again" (Tuff/Ruff/Tuff, I didn't feel like using so many "") "We won't, Stoick brought up that whole thing with the council and now all dragon riding is illegal." The twins just pouted while Hiccup pointed to Astrid. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you have us do this just for it to get banned." "To see how you all would react." "As fun as it was, we can't do it anymore so why would you care about our reactions." "To see if we would do it again..." "How, while we all agree that we would, we all know it'd get us banished" "First of all, I made us all gifts, Astrid, you got yours yesterday." Hiccup then proceeded to hand out Gronckle Iron weapons to everyone, just keeping a small cylinder for himself. "Second, the answer is kind of obvious, but also very stupid and quite insane." The twins instantly sign themselves up.

"Now, I will give everybody a few months to consider it before anything winds up happening."

"The idea has two phases, phase one, write letters to our parents detailing what we are doing and why. Phase two, we just leave." "Andpleasedontkillmeitsjustareallystupididea" Everyone was silent. "This is why I'm giving you all a few months, for real consideration. Now I'm going to leave so you guys don't kill me, let me know when your choice is made."


By the way, the twins are fine because they were on different heads, considered entirely different dragons because two brains.

See ya.

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