Chapter 2

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For the most part my first day of school went okay.   I was lucky to have some classes with Lily and  Callie. and getting to have  lunch with Ella help me avoid  the awkwardness of being the new the kid that eats alone.   I saw Maya through out the day and even though she didn't say anything to me the looks that she was giving me was enough.  The one thing I didn't see not like I was looking   was the gift from God Parker Harrison. 

After school we drove  to  Lightning Ice Rink. It's a huge place that holds 2 rinks. One for the  hockey teams from the around the area to  use for practice and hosting to games. And the second rink is for people that just want to skate. It also happened to be the place were Ella works. She works concession/ skate rental stand and she going to talk to her boss about the possibility of hiring me. It will be nice to finally make my own money and not have to worry about it getting taken from my parents. 

While I wait for her I decide to watch the school's hockey team practice. I try to find the captain that every girl is practically in love with and the guy that keeps turning Maya down. But it's hard when I don't know what number he is. I will say as I watch the team I can see why they are state champions and probably going to win again. As I continue to watchI was  becoming memorized by them I don't hear Ella call my name. "Enjoying the view?" "Ha ha ha." "Parker is number 19 if you are looking." I spot number 19 but I still can't tell if he is as hot as everyone says that he is.  "Anyway my boss wants to interview you tomorrow. "Yes!" "Okay I'm going to go pick up my check  then we can go. I will meet you by the entrance." I nod my head and look back towards the ice were I see practice is over so I gather my things and  go wait.  When I get by the entrance I look at all the hockey trophies that are in the case from  through out  the years. 

"Hey good looking." I turn my head and see 3 good looking guys in front of me. 'You must be new around here?" "Uh?." "I'm Easton. This is Dylan and Logan. " Hi" "So your new around here?" "Yeah." "One of those championships belong to us." Easton says "Really?"I say sarcastically. "Yeah Mansfield has won six state championships." "That's cool." "So are you into hockey?" Easton ask again while he started to walk close to me while  the other two guys stand back. "I don't really know much about it so." "Well if you looking to learn I can teach you and in return you can be my puck bunny." "Excuse me?" Now I don't' know much about hockey but I do know what a puck bunny is thanks to my romance books. "I mean you're a beautiful girl hanging out a at ice rink alone so you must be scooping out hockey players to hook up with." This guy can't be serious. Easton  bends down to my ear, "One night with me and you can be my permitted puck bunny." He says with a smile on his face as he moves back and looks  me. Just as I'm getting ready to slap that smile off his face. I hear a voice that sound familiar to me and  sends  chills through my body. "Easton stop trying to hook up with innocent girls." I turn around and standing behind me  is not only a gorgeous guy   but the same guy from my parent's driveway 2 months ago.

Flash Back

It's midnight and I'm currently laying in the grass next to our driveway looking up at the sky. You would think by now I would be able to cancel out the sounds of parents yelling at each other but no matter how hard I try it just doesn't happened. Which leads me to laying on the ground right now. "If you want a tent to sleep in I'm sure my grandma has one." I sit up and look to see who said when I notice the guy next door walking down the steps. "Fuck off" I say and lay back down. But  I can hear the footsteps walking towards me.  " Hey" I sit up and look at the guy walking towards me.  Thanks to the   porch light next door  from the front of the house , I get a better look at the guy. He looks to be my age, he has brown side fringe hair,  looks to have brown eyes to but the thing that sticks out the most is the fact he his wearing basketball shorts with no shirt. This guy has a muscular tan body that is gorgeous. I mean it should be illegal   for him to look  gorgeous. " I just thought that laying in tent might be a little more comfortable than the ground. I mean the bugs can't get you." He gives with a smirk.  "Thanks for the offer but I'm good. Eventually  they  both will past out and I will go inside"  and I go to lay back down.  

 "So what you're just going lay here?" I continue to look up the sky because I'm afraid if look at him I will start drooling. "Listen buddy this isn't my first go around with this. I mean I usually have my phone to keep my busy but I forget to grab it." "What are you going to do now?" "What I did before I had a phone look at the stars and think about random and life things." "Well  why don't  join you.  he says laying down next to me.  "Whatever."  I say nonchalantly but on the  inside I'm freaking out. "So what random thoughts do you have?" "Umm.. I don't know like is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween or Christmas movie?" I turn to look at him and I can see he is smiling while holding back a laugh. "Shut up!" "And your answer is?" "I mean it's clearly a Christmas movie." "You are so wrong it's a Halloween movie. Yes it talks about Christmas but through out the movie it keeps going  back to Halloween. I mean what Christmas movie as Oogie Boogie Man." "Okay but honestly how many real Halloween movies I'm talking Friday the 13th types also have romance . Jack and Sally fall in love just like in most Christmas movies." That makes him let out a little laugh that causes me to blush but thankfully he can't really see me. "That's a good point but I still think it's a Halloween movie." As he turns to look at me. I can feel butterflies in my stomach forming. 

 As I look at him all I want to do is kiss him because I have a feeling he is a great kisser. "So what other facts do you want to argue about?" I smile and we continue talking him.  We stay out there till  they yelling from my house finally stops. Has I go to get ready to get up he puts his hand form me to grab. When I put my hand I get this fizzy  tingle feeling. We say our goodbyes and I make my way inside. I stop half way when I realize I never got his name when I turn around I don't see him. I can feel the sadness in me but I know I can get in the morning. Except  the next morning when I  step outside I see him in a car driving away. 

"Parker this has nothing to do with you. So why don't you go make sure your team is ready to get their asses kicked by us while we deal with the bunnies." "Easton I'm not worried about your team beating us. I mean we have beat you the last 2 years but I don't like how you are talking to my friend." Friend? Did Parker just say friend? Does he remember me? Easton turns his attention  back to me, "Remember the offer still stands." he smiles with a wink. Then his friends and him walk away towards the locker room leaving Parker and me standing here alone. "Ummm... thanks for that." I say in a shy way. "No problem see you around." Then he turn and walks away.   I guess that answers that question he doesn't remember me. I mean it was 2 months ago and it's clear that he has girls throwing themselves everyday so why would he remember some random girl in a driveway. I look behind me to see if I see Ella coming. When I turn back around  Parker is  standing in front of me and whispers in my ear "By the way I still think it's a Halloween movie." he smiles at me  and  leaves again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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