Night Terrors

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I am seeing the campus psychologist today. It'll be the first time I've gone to this woman since I've been here. I just really need to discuss my night terrors with her and get some of my fears off of my chest. I don't know why. The fire just lingers with me. It stays here. Sometimes I can still feel myself suffocating from the smoke, my skin burning from the heat. The pain. The sounds. It comes back to me as quickly as the fire started back then. Things are normal, but not normal enough. I cannot get these visions, the regret out of my head. All I thought to do was save myself. Why did the fire take him and not me? Why did it burn so badly? Why does it still burn so badly?


I hope she can answer some of my questions and provide me some peace. Hopefully I can keep all of this a secret and not reveal it to Em until she's ready. She doesn't deserve to know how crazy I am. Maybe if I hide it, she'll stay. I don't want to risk the flame burning my life with her too. She's very pretty, I would even say she's hot. I can only pray that it all goes well.

The clouds blew softly
Into the sky
I think of the man
The old me that died
I lay here with you
Right by my side
But the true me must stay in
It always must hide.

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