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September 2, 2002

Stevie's work had totally shifted. All her attention was on the television show now and she was excited about it. Today they were going to start looking over the applicants. To apply for the show, you had to make a video explaining why they wanted to be on the show and they had a written portion as well which was simply, where the house is located, what their style preference was, and a little bit about their living situation. Applications had been open since June as the agency had been promoting this without hosts for the show, and now it was just taking those next steps. 

Stevie didn't know why. but as soon as she woke up is there was this urging to dress up nicely for Lindsey. They had only just met and they had dinner together but while they were at dinner, Lindsey even paid for her and she was flattered. Absolutely flattered because not a lot of men have manners now a days. And he was smoking hot. Absolutely smoking hot and oh so sexy. 

So with Lindsey in mind she curled her hair and put on a bold red lip. She dressed in a black chiffon handkerchief skirt and a tight white chiffon blouse and she slid her feet into her black six inch heel boots and then she made her way to her office. They had agreed to go through the tapes and the applications in her conference room at Stevie Nicks Design's. 

Her first stop was her office where she disgarded her black leather jacket and her purse before she fluffed her hair again and checked her makeup before she ventured to the conference room where Lindsey was already waiting for her. 

"You're late." He states.

"It's my building, I come and go as I please." Stevie smirks plopping down in her seat. 

"Well, the coffee I brought you is probably gone cold by now." Lindsey states handing her a Starbucks cup. 

"Oh flatterer," Stevie grins taking a sip and moaning out as the contents hit her tongue. 

"Soy Vanilla right?" 

"It's perfect. Thank You Lindsey." Stevie smiles.


They had gone through about six hours worth of videos and applicants and Lindsey was slouched back in his chair and Stevie was loomed over the table and they were both utterly falling asleep.

"Well what do you guys think?" Loretta questions.

"There are already this many applicants?" Stevie asks sitting up straight. 

"I know, I have a good feeling about this show." Loretta nods.

"Why don't we go out to dinner and we'll take the paper applications with us and talk about them. Then we reconvene here tomorrow and pick our how many..." Lindsey looks at her.

"Ten, you get ten if the ten get good views, then you'll get a second season of twenty episodes." Loretta explains.

"So we'll pick out top twenty out of this pile of one hundred and then tomorrow we can watch the top twenty again and from there we'll pick our top ten." Lindsey suggests.

"We as in who?" Loretta asks.

"We as in me and Stevie." Lindsey looks at her.

"You're treating me to dinner again?" Stevie looks at him.

"Mexican." Lindsey nods.

"Dammit, you sold me." Stevie sighs standing up and pushing back from her chair.

"Where are you going?" Lindsey asks.

"I'm going to my office to get my purse and my bag. You can come too...Top floor giant oak double doors." Stevie explains.

"Let's go," Lindsey opens the door for her. 

When they make it upstairs he opens her office door for her again and she smiles up at him. 

"So this is your office?" He asks looking around. 

It's dark. It has red walls, a giant dark black desk in the middle of the room. There are two arm chairs, black with white paisley print in front of the desk. There are beaded curtains on the windows and medieval looking lamps sprawled around the room, one on the big black bookshelf, another on the little set of drawers under the window by her desk and one on her desk.

"Do you always work in the dark?" Lindsey asks.

"To tell you the truth...yes, my electric bill is very small every month." Stevie explains. 

"Well I kinda like it, it's calm and tranquil." Lindsey nods.

"Then you'd love my house. Come on you got me excited for an enchilada." Stevie throws her leather jacket on and he leads her out of the office.

They exit the building and they head to the parking lot and they stop and look at each other.

"Would you like me to meet you there or?" Stevie questions pointing to her Toyota.

"Nah, I'll drive." Lindsey shakes his head pointing to the pure black, Mercedes Benz GL-Class  parked right next to her.

"That's your car?" Stevie inquires.

"Nice isn't it?" Lindsey asks

"Way more expensive than mine." She replies.

"But they are both SUVs so at least you've got good taste." Lindsey points leading her to his car and opening the door for her. 


They were eating their meals having already chosen their top ten, there was a slight argument over a couple of the couples but Lindsey eventually conceded and Stevie smirked in triumph giving him a clear indication that, that was what working with her was going to be like. She was going to be a challenge and he was thrilled.

"Are you excited?" Lindsey asks.

"For what?" She asks popping a forkful of chicken enchilada in her mouth. 

"The show. We start filming in exactly one month. I think it's going to be so much fun." Lindsey shrugs.

"I am excited. It's going to be something different. It's probably going to be taxing and stressful but I'm at least glad I get to use my own team Joe and Tom are great guys and they're really hard workers. But there's also that part of me that's really nervous for some reason." Stevie shrugs.

"Don't be nervous we're just doing our everyday jobs except there's cameras that are going to be on us all of the time." Lindsey shrugs.

"I guess you do have a point." Stevie smiles sipping on her Watermelon Margarita. 

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