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February 14, 2009

Stevie and Lindsey didn't think that they would still be doing this seven years later but there they were. Logan would be four in a few days and Jaime was five years old and he was in Kindergarten. Jaime was Stevie's little man. He was such a mommas boy even though he was the spitting image of Lindsey and she was always doing stuff with him when she could. Logan also was the spitting image of Lindsey but he had blonde curls instead of brown curls and Stevie absolutely adored that her children had her husband's curls. In their new setup, Lindsey and Stevie would still drive separately but they'd meet up at the house and they'd tour it before they even met with the homeowners. They knew the couple was named Caleb and Rachel but that was about it. 

Stevie was happy being a boy-mom they kept her active which kept her at a decent size though she had a tad bit of pudge from her boys she used it to her advantage, like today. She was wearing a grey cashmere sweater and a red skirt the sweater was tucked into the skirt and she had a back belt around her waist connecting the two. And now, her waist was more prominent because her hips were wider from carrying her kids and belts were so much more flattering now. 

Lindsey was staring at the house not paying attention to his surroundings when Stevie walked up to him. She placed her leather gloved hand on his lower back and he jumped slightly turning around wrapping his arm around her. 

"So have you got your list?" Stevie asks.

"Of course I've got my list. What do you think they'd do leave me out?" He asks.

"I don't know." She shrugs unfolding her list, his hand still firmly wrapped around her waist. 

"Okay go first." Lindsey tells her. 

"Alright so to stay I need to renovate the kitchen to give them more prep space. I need to make the living room an open concept, I have to reconfigure the upstairs bathroom and expand the master bedroom closet. I need to add another bathroom, a play area, and a guest room." Stevie sighs.

"Ha, you've got your work cut out for you." Lindsey smirks.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Your turn." Stevie smiles as Lindsey finally pulls away from her and they slowly trek to the front door.

"Alright so I need to find them a house with four bedrooms, a room for guests...so a five bedroom house...at least two bathrooms, an open kitchen with a lot of prep space, a play space, a large backyard for the kids, and a central location." Lindsey tells her.

Walking into the house Stevie slides off her black peacoat and she hangs it up on one of the open spaces on the coat hooks. 

"I was just thinking..." 

'Oh you were thinking?" She asks him.

"They're having twins right...how do you fit a double stroller in here?" he asks pointing out how tight the entry way was.

"How many houses do you know that can take a double stroller into their entry way." Stevie sighs as Lindsey places his hand on the small of her back and leads her further into the house.

"Oh look at this it's lovely." Stevie coos at the room.

"Again, where do you put twins?" 

"You have to get off this twin thing. Seriously we know, that's why we're here." 

"I will give you, that for what they need right now it works. But that's not going to last much longer." Lindsey says leading her into the kitchen.

"Again, what a lovely space." Stevie sighs.

"Imagine you've got three kids..." he starts.

"I have two of them..." She crosses her arms.

"Alright so imagine you living here with the boys. You're in here they're in the family room. Can you see them. Are you superwoman and can see through walls?" 

"Well No, I would want to see the boys because they're trouble makers, but if it was just me and you...I'd be so happy with these sight lines." Stevie gives a coy smile.

"Oh you'd miss me to much?" 

"Would I...Are you sure about that?" 

"Okay..." Stevie opens a door.

"The basement." Lindsey smiles.

"Oh god, I hate basements." She whines.

"I don't understand why you don't like basements?" 

"Claustrophobic...to tight...to damp...but this one isn't bad, it's got nice high ceilings and it gives me so much space to work with." Stevie explains.

"Hey look a portapotty in the basement." Lindsey points opening a door thaat leads to literally just a toilet. 

They make their way up to the second level of the house and open up the bathroom door.

"They can do so much better." Lindsey shakes his head.

"You could easily bathe three little children together in that tub." Stevie points out.

"So much better." Lindsey rolls his eyes. 

When Lindsey and Stevie get downstairs the homeowners are waiting for them in the dining room at the table. 

"Alright so...Stevie and I have been through your charming, but very tiny home. You are bursting at the seams, bring two more children in here you will literally explode. I have valued your home at about 475,000 dollars. What is my budget?" 

"550,000 not a penny more." Caleb tells Lindsey.

"Okay." Lindsey nods in understanding.

"I have to tell you that the list you gave me was substantial and without a decent budget. There is NO WAY I can give you everything so how much do I have?" Stevie asks.

"You have 55, 000." Rachel tells her.

"55..." Stevie repeats.

"It's all we have. We've got one baby already and two more coming we can't possibly spend any more money." Caleb shakes his head.

"That I understand. I have two boys myself. Baby's are expensive." Stevie nods."But with that being said, I don't think there's anyway that I can open up that main floor. I can upgrade but the more pressing issues like the bathroom and the guest room have to come first. I'm a mom. I get wanting to see my kids all of the time, but I also know that even if you do end up selling this house. You'll get more value from the bathrooms and the bedrooms and kitchen's sell houses so even updating it will do wonders." 

"I can attest to that." Lindsey nods.

"It's not going to work if I can't have an open space." Rachel shakes her head.

"I know you're upset but that's just how it has to be, and no matter what you are going to stay." Stevie nods.

"No, you have twins coming, you need more space. It's time for you to go and I'm here to make that happen." Lindsey explains as his cell phone rings.

"Excuse me do you mind?" he asks.

"Not at all." They shake their heads and Lindsey answers his phone.

"This is Lindsey Buckingham....You're kidding....I can be there in about thirty minutes." 

Once he hangs up Stevie and the family look at him like he has some form of pressing gossip.

"A water mane broke at my son's school so I have to go get him. No one is hurt but schools out for a few days." Lindsey sighs. "Which means the kids get to come to work with mom and dad..." Lindsey looks at Stevie.

"No, they go with dad...Mom's work is no place for kids." Stevie shakes her head.

"You can take Logan, I'll take Jaime." He smiles.

"Right...Go get the kids." Stevie pushes him out of the house. 

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