1. Introduction

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[3rd person pov for now]

The Beast is sprawled out on the floor of his chamber room amongst scattered books. The bookshelves wooden frame lay on its side, splinters poke out at the bends. The Beast's bare chest rises and falls with each breath. His lungs seem to strain against his fragile ribs.

The dust in the air dances and sparkles as the rays of sun shines through the window.
The sunlight slowly creeps across the floor as the sun rises, it seems to hesitate as the single ray caresses The Beast's textured cheek. His eyes snap open, the red iris contrasts his pale grey skin.

The beast looks around his room as he slowly sits up. He groans in disgust and with a flick of his wrist the objects begin to defy gravity. The bookshelf lifts itself and stands upright against the wall as the books begin to fly towards it. One book at a time the room begins to tidy itself. When all but one book is in its place the beast lifts his hand and the thick, leather book collides with his palm.

The Beast lifts himself off of the floor, his bones begin it creak and groan as he makes his way towards his balcony. His naked silhouette stretches up as he yanks his curtains down flooding the whole room in light. He tucks the book under his chin as he wraps the curtain around his waist to cover his modesty. The skin on his back barely stretches around his unnaturally sharp spine as he clasps his hands behind his back for one final stretch.

He leans against the balcony railing, opens his book and begins to read out loud...

"Once Upon A Time..."

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