Fallen City: Chapter 2

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He waited for her, even when he knew that she wasn't coming back. The other Gladers saw it too, his constant waiting. His pacing back and forth in front of the open maze doors. But nobody said anything, afraid to send him into another downward spiral, one where he thought that the only way out was to end it all. Because maybe this time, he would be successful.
He still had the limp, the constant reminder to keep himself up, even when it was hard. He tried to hide it, but it hurt too much. In some ways though, he liked the pain. It took some of the pain from her away.
"Newt! Breakfast!" It was Alby, calling him away from his pacing and into Frypan's kitchen. He shook his head as he hobbled over, trying to fend off the sharp pangs of memory of the two of them, eating breakfast together. But this happened every morning.
Life was actually pretty monotonous now. Newt's running days were over, long over, ever since he jumped. The original Gladers all new the real story of his fall, but the Greenies didn't. They thought something awful happened to him out there. But the only awful thing to happen to him, was himself.
Nobody talked about her. And even though he was the one who agreed to that plan of Alby's, it was most difficult for him in the beginning. He would scream at the other Gladers, get in their face, asking if they remembered her. Asking why they didn't talk about her. But the others knew the plan and didn't speak a single word.
That was one of the things that led to Newt's breaking point. The ignorance. Not just by them, but also his own. It was his fault she was gone, and he knew it. And everything reminded him of her, of her insane courage, of his own stupidity at letting her go. He didn't even get to tell her how much he loved her.
He was okay now. Not himself, not even close. He never would be the same again, but he was better than a few years ago. When it happened. That was unbelievable to him, the fact that it had been years. He still thought it felt like just yesterday.
He started to make his way to the kitchen, but for some reason, his limp today was rather prominent. He avoided eye contact with everyone, except for Minho, who he managed to smile weakly at. Minho gestured for him to sit, and Newt did.
"How's today?" Minho asked, the same question he asked everyday. Ever since Newt's jump.
"Rough, Min," Newt said. And that was all. Minho didn't dig, he just nodded, making a mental note and returned to his breakfast, mumbling something about the Greenie that was scheduled to show up that day.

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