Chapter 18

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It took Gally several days to come out of his deep sleep, and it was anything but restful. He still screamed, horrid, terrible screams that kept Jane awake at night. She started sleeping in the Deadheads, her and Newt, to escape the screams, but they could still hear them. But Gally was unresponsive. He tossed and turned and spoke in his sleep, and some of the things he said were disturbing at the least.
"All...gonna change," he mumbled before screwing up his face to scream in agony. Jane couldn't bear to watch. But she had to, and she was there to witness it when the scariest part took place.
"She...she..." He started. All eyes in the small room that day were on Jane. She was the only 'she' there was at the moment. Jane backed up into the wall just as Gally's eyes opened suddenly and landed directly on her. "You," he snarled. He sat up, but Newt and Alby immediately jumped in, pushing him down as he struggled against them.
"Jane get out of here!" Newt called over his shoulder. She didn't need to hear it twice. She was gone.
Newt found her later that day, behind the Homestead, crouched and shaking.
"It's alright," he told her. "The shank's feeling better now. He's up for good. Stopped the screaming and the shaking. But he ain't talking."
"What?" Jane asked, looking at him. Newt glanced back at her seriously.
"Alby thinks Gally was having some sort of visions while he was sleeping like that," he explained. "That's why he was so bloody angry with you. Must've seen you somewhere..." He trailed off.
"Why me?!" Jane asked, frightened. Newt shrugged.
"Dunno. You're the only girl though, must I remind you. Might have something to do with that." Jane slumped back against the wall, mentally exhausted.
"Can things get any worse?" She asked absently.
"Depends," Newt responded. "What are your thoughts when it comes to running? Alby wants us to start again tomorrow." Jane perked up a bit. Getting back to running sounded like heaven compared to staying back and dealing with Gally.
"You mean, Alby wants me to go too?" Newt shrugged.
"He doesn't have much of a choice in the matter."
"I guess not," Jane agreed. "I just don't get why he's so mad at me. He still won't even look at me."
"Yeah well," Newt began. "Give the shank some time. He isn't used to having his authority questioned," Newt chuckled a bit. "Anyway, be prepared for tomorrow's what I'm saying." Jane gave him a small salute.
"Aye aye captain."

The next morning when it was time to run, Jane was delighted to see that Newt had taken the liberty of asking for better running equipment from the Box, which had been provided when Leo showed up. They geared up, new shoes and packs, and were off at once, Leo waving goodbye, his eyes underneath all that hair full of aspiration. Jane and Newt were still running partners and today they took to section 7. Quickly though, they figured out that there was an issue when they were about to turn a corner. Newt peered around it, then swung back, holding his arm in front of Jane.
"Grievers, 3. Right down there," he whispered, his voice wavering with fear.
"Oh my God," Jane whispered. She started breathing heavily, but Newt grasped her hand firmly, causing her
to calm down a bit.
"Okay here's what we're gonna do," Newt started. "We're going back." Normally Jane would have argued, but not in this case. Because at that moment they heard a bloodcurdling scream from somewhere out in the Maze.
"Go!" Newt yelled, pushing her back in the direction they came. Her legs started pumping immediately, faster and faster and faster and Newt was hot on her tail. They heard mechanic whirs and clicks behind them as the Grievers followed but Jane's memory already started working and she took different twisting paths in order to lost them.
"We can't lead them back to the Glade!" She told Newt who firmly agreed. So she kept taking turns at random, but not really. She knew what she was doing, it was as if she was programmed this way. Finally, they made it back, and to their delight, the Grievers were nowhere to be seen or heard. Other Runners were gather at other entrances, having heard the scream or worse, ran into their own Grievers. One Runner, Kevin, came back shortly after they did, and he looked awful. His clothes were torn and bloodstained. He hobbled over to Newt and Jane who had been joined by Minho and Minho's partner, Peter.
"They got him!!!" He shouted hysterically. "They got him!! The Grievers!! They took Dom!!! They got him!" And with that he collapsed. Right there on the ground.

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