Discharge From The Hospital

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Two months later (day of dismissal)

Rachel, Lilli's mother, looked at me with a look that reflected not only concern, but also something else.

Was it grief? Regret?

I didn't know, and I  for sure didn't want to think of my deceased family, who were buried without my presence. Well, if you could really call it a funeral.

I had to go through all the medical tests that day.

The only thing that remained for me was the ashes of my dead family, which were now in a huge urn.

I turned my bandaged head in Lilli's direction, who was sitting next to me. She smiled cheerfully at me and I tried to hold back my tears with all my strength, because I suddenly realized again what I had lost.

A loving family that was always there for me.

My body started to feel pain again in all sorts of ways. I blinked like crazy when Doctor Garrison informed us whether or not I was allowed to leave this sterile building. After another half hour and many rules to follow, my dismissal papers were signed by Rachel. Whereupon Alec, Lilli's father, set out to help me in a wheelchair.

Two days after the gas explosion in our house Lilli's parents were contacted. They came to me as soon as possible and have been by my side since then. I was so grateful for them being there. 

Especially Lilli.

She always tried to distract me so I had no chance to think about my dead family.

It still hurts too much. 

Lilli and her parents had offered me to live with them. I was very happy about the offer because they were like a second family to me. Lilli and her parents Rachel and Alec had been a constant in my life that I had from an early age. 

Our parents had been good friends, which led to Lilli and me becoming friends immediately. From then on, we were inseparable. We both went through everything together. She had always been by my side when I was bullied by our classmates, for which I was really grateful too.

I really wouldn't have known what to do without her. 

Like now, for example. And of course I also knew that I couldn't go to the other school that I had been accepted at. I should have been happy about it, but I couldn't.

If I was staying at Lilli's, I had to go to my old school. The worst thing was that I was weaker in that wheelchair, in which I was supposed to be for the next months. And I definitely didn't want to give the others another reason to bully me. Finally I wasn't looking good with all that brands all over my body. Even in my face.

But I wouldn't be able to prevent that.

I would be that girl that lost her whole family and was adopted by her best friend parents.

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