Rainfall in August

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It all started with a glance.

Actually a blank space or need I explain a boring kind of morning or a day would it be under a pouring rain. I was watching the rain from the inside of the cafeteria when a man passed by and waved his hand at me. I mean I was taken aback and tried to composed myself and made sure he is waving at me by turning my head around and see if there is someone else at my back which I am pretty sure there's none since I work here alone specially in the early morning. He is still standing there with his umbrella, weird and for a moment I was being startled as to what he intends to do and what should I do if it turns out to be in the bad side of the scene. What was I thinking about? I just stared at him without blinking and he left, Ha he lost the staring contest and I being triumphant, what a day to start being triumphant!

I wonder what was that about but nothing came to mind as I again am freezing in the coldness of the weather. It's as if my mind is not working well if at all it is grinding somewhere and so I gazed back outside seeing the heavy rainfall. Well no one is outside I guess and even cars refuse to pass by as the roads are now covered with a foot high of water, must be flooding from the hinterlands. I kind of thinking how to measure the volume of water that's been dripping out from the heavens. Nah, I'll just leave it out to the weatherman or is it them who measures raindrops?

I sipped my hot chocolate and was not minding that it is still hot and fresh from the pot until it touched my lips and burned my tongue. I could not help but said the dumbest word this morning.

"What the f**k!" I blurted out as loud as a burnt tongue could and yeah it's ouch I hate this feeling! Was I the whimpy kid?"

"We'll good morning to you too ma'am." A voice that shook myself again.

"What? Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that it's just that where the heck did you come from? I mean I'm sorry again I think I lost myself for a while. Must be the weather." It was so embarrassing of me in front of a customer as my hot drink spilled out onto my jacket and I did not noticed him going inside the cafeteria that's why I was so shocked I could jump like a frightened cat does, you know what I mean right? When a cat jumps abruptly when startled? Yeah that is the feeling and so it made me look like a clumsy person but then again the thrill!

"Yes ma'am, must be the weather. Uhmm, could you get me one of those hot f**kin' chocolate you're drinking, must be that good aye? If you don't mind?" He said with a sarcastic smile which I loved about men who wants to be a funny witty guy in front of a hot chick. Well I am hot and so is he. Where is this conversation going ha? Tsk!tsk!

"Oh of course mister, donuts you like one also?" I said with a seemingly humor me kind of exchange which I'm pretty sure he gets.

"Aha, how about marmalade do you have it here beautiful lady?" He still not sitting though and I have to finish this conversation so he could drink his chocolate and what heavens could magic do next.

"Do you want it really hot or can I get you ice cubes for it?"

"I wanted it hot just like you, I mean, are you single?" He asked bluntly.

"Oh no, I'm the owner of this cafeteria and I think I am going to close because I would go bankrupt with this kind of day."

"Why would you say that? I mean the weather is ideal for this kind of a coffee shop. Though little but its nice. Can go through, i believe."

"Yeah, yeah but with that flooding streets in front I would not dare go here if I am some kind of people who happens to pass by within the area but someone also said in his song there are those who are fool enough to rush in. I mean, I better get your drink you must be cold already." I went to the back and started to make his hot chocolate and peek in the square window in front of me and said: "Did I answer your question correctly?"

"Probably not but well I'll just sit here and wait." He found a perfect spot by the table near the window where he could see the street with the heavy rainfall, just like what I did earlier, he looked just blankly outside. Oh, this weather. What this rainfall in August is gonna make out of me?

"Here's your hot chocolate mister. You sure you don't like my pastries? I made them with the best ingredient I have which is love. I mean, I'm Margaret and yes I am single." She said with a rough turn around to disappear from pure embarrassment. She even had a blush and swear to cover it up with a quick smirk. "Uhm, what made you pass by in the empty street with this kind of weather?"

"I am actually kind of late from my appointment which the client cancelled anyway in a manner I wasn't prepared to and expect the unexpected kind of turnarounds and yeah! Well, may lightning struck his house right now. Just kidding but...( a sighed ) anyway sometimes things just go their way in the most mundane behavior. Sounds natural to be annoyed and disappointed about bad happenings." He stopped talking for a while and then looked at her. "Well not bad anymore should I say as you've said you're single and so am I. My name is Peter and I do architecture. I design things and stuffs and could you bring me those pastries they look so tempting at this moment though must be delicious by the looks of it." He said as he lost out of words to continue the conversation especially in front of a beautiful lady.

"Oh sure. Take this, it's the specialty of the house. So, architecture, you are an architect, right? Don't laugh it's not pure joke just a senseless and pointless summation. Hahaha. Anyway, yeah you are right these bad orders, very bad things happen for no reason or maybe a failure on the other side not to us who took the nod on things for them. On the bright side also things just popped up like they randomly come around after a disaster. You know what I mean?" She continued without actually minding what she's saying about but for the sake of conversation and also a customer service and increase sales. "Would you buy this bag of chocolate pastries for your girlfriend then. Here take this, it's only a portion of your wealth."

"No she's not around town. Hahaha. You think you got me there ha? But sure I will take two of those and the one with a happy face on top. For my mother and a younger sister who loves sweets. I told her to scale down on her waste but nah, she's just fluffy I guess." The conversation went on a while and there is a slight change of weather outside as the sun is shining and the rain just drizzles. A customer went in and started to make his order.

"I think that's my cue. Thank you for your stay and hoping for a rain tomorrow so you'll come back and buy these again? Hahaha." Margaret said as she takes the order.

"Okay sure. See you around and nice meeting you Margaret." He said and went to the door.

It's seemingly awkward to ask for a rain tomorrow after what today's revelation is. It's just not sound that regal for a two straight wet weather. Oh so sorry for the reverie but hmm...come on let it rain tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. Gosh I think I am just that alone in my life, am I?

"Excuse me?" The next guy who happens to be waiting for his order to be taken.

"Uhmmm...my apologies kind sir. Make I take your order sir." She was just as idle as she was an hour before. What is this weather bringing her into?

Days have passed and still no rain. She kept on checking the weather and the blue skies outside just told her 'ah ah not today you miss, the sun is just stretching its reach and mister blue sky is here to stay after it resigns due west'.

The hustle of everyday life seems not bothering her strength and the crowd in her cafeteria is well and good but there is that longing she just wanted to somehow happen. Maybe that was just it, a passing day that collided in her universe. A day she just wants to forget and move on with her grinding the usual and stale state of being a nobody in the crowd.

"Well then let's just move on to the holidays please. Be kind to me universe, I manifest into your vastness the kind of belonging I wanted to. Show me signs, will you? Huh?" She sighed and closed the door of her cafeteria as the night falls and no soul is out in the street already. Time for a sleep and a vacation maybe? Yeah just maybe, maybe the souls wanted me to visit their graves this November.

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