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Izkua Shimura
Quirk- none
Power- kryptonion strength and speed with a mixture of 100% of one for all
Personality- Sadistic, cruel, kind to ONLY family and revy, clingy,loves to fight strong people like her mum Kara

Likes- Revy , katsudon , parents , adores little sister , beating up people who thinks there stronger then her and people who talk shit

Dislikes- everyone, bakugo with a passion, guys who talks shit bout revy ,

Revy Shimura ( adopted)Age- 16Height-5,7Quirk- ammunition- she can make any kind of bullets and make how ever much she needs and she can increase the damage when ever she Wants

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Revy Shimura ( adopted)
Age- 16
Quirk- ammunition- she can make any kind of bullets and make how ever much she needs and she can increase the damage when ever she Wants

Drawback- she goes into a frenzy and starts to kill everyone she hates

Personality- sadistic, masochist , clingy and soft around Izuka and her family but tough around people she doesn't know or don't like

Likes, izkua , her family , Julia , katsudon , Izukas sweaters , when Izuka mad

Dislikes- everyone that isn't Izuka or her family, bakuhoe and sonic ripoff, girls who try to steal her Izu

Julia ShimuraAge-10Height-5,2Quirk-telekinetic pressure- she's basically like Wanda from avengers but hers is green not red-

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Julia Shimura
Quirk-telekinetic pressure- she's basically like Wanda from avengers but hers is green not red-

Drawback- if she uses it for to long she can get bad headaches
Likes- her family, revy, katsudon, playing with Izuka and waking her and her mums up by jumping in them
Dislikes- mean people

Personality- kind, sweet, caring

Nana ShimuraAge-28Height 6,2Quirk- float and strength (plot)

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Nana Shimura
Height 6,2
Quirk- float and strength (plot)

Drawback- she floats for to long she could pass out and If she uses her strength pass what her body can handle she'll brake multiple bones

Likes- wife and kids, training with Julia and Izuka , katsudon, and cuddles from her wife

Dislikes- when people talk shit bout her family, when she doesn't get her cuddles
Personality, kind hearted, clingy

Kara Zor-El ShimuraAge-28Height 6,6Quirk-none Power- super strength , speed  ,hearing ,cold breath, heat vision, x-ray vision

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Kara Zor-El Shimura
Height 6,6
Power- super strength , speed  ,hearing ,cold breath, heat vision, x-ray vision

Likes- wife and kids, Pizza , cuddling her family , dominating her wife, playing games with her kids, training Izuka

Dislikes- loosing against Izuka in games,

Personality- sore loser ,. Clingy ,caring ,kind

 Clingy ,caring ,kind

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