kryptonian vs Nomus

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Ok so let's get into this yea also before we get into this let's just say Revy, Eri, Kota, and Nana are out of state yea

So we're starting with The two Kryptonians having a arm wrestle

Izuka-Cmon Old lady this all you got !!

Kara-Smirks-Yea right

They go at this  for like hours 🥲

Later they get some food, They order Pizza Hut McDonald's and KFC as there eating that get rudely interrupted by multiple portals and thousands no Millions of Nomus come out of them and then a man comes out

Izuka-Who are you-Annoyed-

???-The names Nine

Kara-Tf kinda name is "Nine"


Nine-Pissed- Tch I can't believe AFO lost to the likes of you two

Izuka-Wha- Ahahahahahahahaha Do you think you can beat us?? That's hilarious

Kara-Ahahahhaha yea real funny little man

Nine-Tch fine I'll show you

Nine sends all the Nomus to the Kryptonions

The Duo stands there with a face of excitement and shaking with excitement, they launch at the Nomus Punching left and right some gets punched in the air some gets kicked into the ground others gets disintegrated others got frozen, Izuka jumps up into the air and uses her heat vision to kill off any remaining Nomus, Kara jumps up into the air and uses her super vision to see if there is any more Nomus in the area she see that there no more left unfortunately but she does see Nine there holding two kids by the neck,Without telling Izuka she launched at nine hitting him square in the face with a pissed off face,She turns around to greet the two kids

Kara-You kids alright


Kara-Good now get outta here we'll handle it-she says as Izuka lands right next to her

Izuka-Geez mom you coulda told me

Kara-Sorry but he was going to kill these to kids

Izuka-Turns around and looks down at them-oh yea

She bends down to talk to them

Izuka-You two are ok aright


Izuka-Good also what's your names

???-Maharo and this is my little brother ,Katsuma

Izuka-Well you two are really brave for not running away but really stupid for staying You know that right

Katsuma-We know but....It's what a hero would do

Izuka-Smirks-Your damn right kid

Maharo-Are you two hero's

Kara-Not really we just end up saving the world a bunch of time I guess


Katsuma&Maharo-Well your our hero's -Smiles brightly-

Izuka&Kara-So cute-

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