Again and Again

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You all arrive back while agents of S.H.I.E.L.D came and took care of the hydra situation
Fury: well done
Y/n: you infuriated my mission
Fury: only because Stark told us you were in danger and being tortured
Y/n: that isn't true why did you believe him do you see a scar on my body
Fury: actually there is a scar on your leg from Loki and something on your arm
Y/n: yeah LOKI and the thing on my arm was after
Tony: kids not wrong I did it coz I was bored
Fury: you can't just lie about the kids situation just to blow her cover
Tony: we got what we needed it's fine
Y/n: no you didn't that was the wrong building dumbass
Tony: oh.....
Y/n: I'm going BY MYSELF to Sovakia
To get the serum and the mind stone
Clint: kid I know Stark messed up but doesn't mean you don't need help
Y/n: it's fine
Fury: don't be dumb there all going with you y/n your a team in this
Y/n: yeah alright
Hills: we have just been informed that the girl Wanda has a twin brother called Pietro and he just broke her out
Y/n: do you have any idea where they went
Nat: they might have gone to Sovakia
Y/n: does the brother have powers
Hills: we don't know
Steve: well we might need a little help than just 7 people
Y/n: Tony don't you have the spider kid get a hold of him we might need him
Tony: don't tell me what to do
Y/n: I already have multiple times
Get him or I will
Tony: is that a threat
Y/n: it can be
Tony: I don't think the kids the right person
Y/n: Fury permission to kidnap Parker
Fury: denied
Y/n: alright I'll convince him you all make things so hard
Steve: and Bucky will be coming as we said we need all the help we can get
Clint: so your brining the guy that tried hooking up with a 17 year old
Y/n: in his defence I said I was 24

You teleport out and to peters house

Avengers POV
Nat: how much we betting she's going to threaten him
Clint:  10 bucks says she is
Tony: 20 She is
Nat: 15 on she is
Steve: 50 on her not
Thor: I don't think she would threaten a tiny mortal 30 saying she won't
Tony: Banner care to join
Bruce: no I'm good betting on the different ways our friend is going to tell a kid to come to Sovakia with us

Your POV
Peter is singing a song
And you teleport into his room
Peter: AHHHH what are you
Y/n: Jesus Christ who do you think you are Ariana Grande
Peter: what are you doing here your a criminal
Y/n: alright listen Parker I am now an avenger ask Tony he didn't want to come get you but here we are
Peter: what do you mean come get me
Y/n: We need to go to Sovakia
Peter: I can't go there
Y/n: why not
Peter: School homework
Y/n: your joking right
Peter: no I'm not
Y/n: I'm going to pretend you didn't say any of that
Peter: why couldn't Mr Stark or any of them come anyways
Y/n: I already told you -

May shouts into Peter
May: Peter there is someone here for

She walks in
May: Peter- oh hello there who are you
Y/n: I'm one of Peters school friends I'm y/n
May: oh Peter I don't know you had a friend over
Peter: ohhh... yeah I forgot to tell you
May: anyways there's someone here for you come into the living room y/n do you mind waiting here for a second
Y/n: not at all Miss Parker
May: oh please call me May
Peter: ok let's go
May: that y/n is such a sweet girl

Peters POV
May and Peter walk in to see Tony
Tony: yeah congratulations kid I have decided to give you a spot at my collage
Peter: Collage?

Tony winks at Peter
Peter: oh yeah yeah yeah
May: Peter you never told me you applied to collage
Peter: well I wanted to get a head and it was suppose to be a surprise.....surprise
Tony: yeah actually I want to talk to the kid alone if that's ok
May: oh yeah actually he has a friend over in his room I'll tell her to go
Tony: oh no it's fine is her name y/n
May: yeah I think so
Tony: yeah she's my niece it's fine
May: oh that's great I didn't know that Peter you don't tell me anything anymore
Peter: yeah sorry about that

They go into Peters room where your sitting and Tony locks the door
Y/n: what are you doing here?
Tony: I'm pretty sure you were going to threaten the kid
Y/n: well that was plan b
Peter: wait wait wait what are you both doing here
Y/n: I explained it to you 100000 of times
Tony: need you to come to Sovakia with us
Peter: I can't
Tony: why not
Y/n: he has "homework"
Tony: your joking
Y/n; that's what he said to me
Tony: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that
Y/n: I never had a form of education and I turned out just fine
Tony: kids actually not wrong
Peter: I just can't go
Y/n: ok Peter look at my your a superhero right
Peter: yeah I guess
Y/n: superhero's do good right
Peter: yeah
Y/n: I don't know much about hero's
but I do know they will go anywhere and do anything to help people and  save life's
Peter: I guess your right
Tony: alright I'll tell you hot Aunt that I'm taking you for a tour around the so called campus
Peter: 1 question Mr Stark
Tony: yeah kid
Peter: is y/n actually your niece
Tony: it's complicated
Y/n: alright let's go
Tony: congrats kid

You leave Peters room and Tony is talking to May
Peter: so are you an avenger now or what
Y/n: yep
Peter: what powers do you have ?
Y/n: I have the powers of the power stone and teleportation
Peter:  that's so cool
Y/n: I guess how being Spidey boy
Peter: first of all it's Spider-Man
Y/n: your a kid tho
Peter: so are you
Y/n: but I don't call myself I don't know power woman I'm just y/n
Peter: but it's Spider-Man
Y/n: but your a kid
Peter: that doesn't matter
Y/n: that's like going to a bar with a fake Id

Tony comes out and heard the last part of what you said
Tony: to be fair kid you did do that
Y/n: your hitting on a kids Aunt
Tony: to Shea
Y/n: check mate
Peter: can we just go know
Y/n: relax spider boy
Peter: Spider-Man Mr Stark can you tell her it's Spider-Man
Tony: this is going to be a long car trip
Y/n: I'm not going with you I'm teleporting
Tony: your still in S.H.I.E.L.Ds custody
Y/n: they said I could go free
Tony: you signed something saying since you joined the avengers your under the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D
Y/n: ok leaving

You teleport try to teleport out
Tony: F.R.I.D.A.Y activate kids chip and do protocol 3

Shocks you
Y/n: you need to stop doing that what are the other protocols
Tony: why would I tell you
Y/n: coz you seem to only have 1
Tony: just get in the car

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