Pain gets to you sometimes

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You feel a slight pain go up your arm but you just presume it's nothing
But then you feel it again
and again each getting worse and worse
Bruce: y/n you ok your heart rate is going up

You begin to stutter
Y/n: yep.. y-ye-p f-fine
Bucky: what's wrong Doll
Y/n: I-I do-ont  kn-ow

Your eyes keep changing from purple to your normal colour
Steve: Tony Banner what's going on
Tony: you think I know *sacrasm*

You start to have a massive migraine
Y/n: what's h-ha-ppen-ing
Bruce: I'm guessing it's what the guy injected
Bucky: how do we stop it
Tony: you can't stop what's already begun

You can't control anything you do and your veins are changing colours and stuff is moving in the room
Steve: is there a way to umm knock her out or something like anything you can inject
Bruce: if I inject her with anything it could affect the usage of the other thing and potentially make it stronger
Y/n: I can't control anything
Bucky: don't stress keep you eyes on me

You look at Bucky In the eyes but Nothing is happening
Bucky: relax Doll
Y/n: Buck I c-ant do anything I-I-I can't control it

Bucky grabs your hand
Bucky: you can your y/n Strange

Your hands begin

The same guy from before teleports in
Sam: a guy just teleported in ?
Steve: make sure he doesn't take y/n

Tony puts on his suit and Steve and Sam grab there gear
Tony: there's 3 of us and 1 of you
Man: yeah but I have her powers

He blasts Tony with you powers and you look at him
Bucky: don't look at them doll
Y/n: wait

The man looks at Bucky and goes to blast him
You block it and everything that was out of control stops
You absorb the power the guy is throwing at you and send it all back to him
He eventually gets worn out and falls to the ground
Y/n: amateur

Bucky: what just happened ?
Y/n: I don't know but the pain hasn't worn down

You start teleporting around the room out of random
Tony: I apologise for what I'm about to do y/n

He grabs a sheet of metal and times your next teleport
He hits you across the face with the metal and you fall to the floor
Bucky: why did you hit her with metal
Tony: it worked didn't it

Steve puts you back on the bed and Bruce connects all the wires again
Bruce: I've figured out what he injected
Sam: what
Bruce: Amiodarone and a lot of caffeine
Tony: so they wanted her powers to go mad like that so they could take more
Bruce: i guess so
Bucky: well has it all worn off or
Bruce: well we need to take it out of her blood stream

You open your eyes and look at them all
Y/n: the amount of times I've been hit today is really something, you didn't have to hit me that hard Tony
Tony: just to make sure
Y/n: you figure out what it was ?
Bruce: Amiodarone and a lot of caffeine
but we don't know how to get it out your-
Y/n: Buck pass me a needle please like a massive one
Bucky: why?
Y/n: fine I'll do it myself

You lift a massive needle with your powers to your hand
Y/n: now Bruce where would I be able to get most of this stuff
Bruce: you can't really

You stab yourself In the wrist vein and take out most of what the guy injected
Then stab your self in the throat vein and get out what's left
Y/n: just did
Sam: your a psycho
Y/n: what why
Steve: you just stabbed your self and didn't react
Y/n: how did you want me to react?
Sam: in pain
Y/n: oh it hurt really bad I just looked at Bucky

Bucky smiles
Y/n: here Bruce

You throw to needle to Bruce
Steve: alright so we know this guy wants you
Y/n; yeah but if he was smart he could have gotten people to raid here distracting ye and taking me
Tony: he either A doesn't have anyone to turn to for help
Y/n: or B he has people ready for a bigger part of his plan I am just the start of his operation
Sam: yeah but the guy didn't know what he was doing
Steve: he keeps disappearing
Y/n: what do you mean he comes he gets hit and leaves
Bucky: when I shot him he took blood and just disappeared, you keep eye contact it didn't matter he just left
Y/n: oh no this guy I don't think he ever left
Bruce: how so
Y/n: he knew when to attack I think he had some way of turning invisible and spy on us I mean no one here can
Tony: no way the guys still here
Y/n: bet

You grab the water beside you and look around the room
Sam: I think you've gone insane
Y/n: thanks Sam but really now ain't the time

You see a spot with just a shadow and you throw the water there showing a man covered in the water print

You use your power and lift him up
Y/n: insane right Sam

You stand up and lean against a wall putting the man on the bed
Tony: what are you-
Y/n: yeah I don't need a comment

The man wakes up
Man: Where am I

You rip and bit of your shirt and tie his wrist to the bed post
Y/n: who are you
Man: answer my question first
Y/n: no can do
Man: I mean what's a kid like you going to do

You punch him across the face
Y/n: gonna talk coz there's a whole team here who can punch harder than me and if you think that was hard I'm pretty sure I have messed up hands
Man: Guess I'm going with the punch
Y/n: Buck

Bucky goes over and punches him across the face
Y/n: so you would rather die then tell us
Sam: you'll die a bad way
Man: Guess if that's how it goes
Y/n: ha I have a list of ways you can die
Man: do you even know who I am?

you pull his mask and hood off
Y/n: Oh my god........

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