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Ri looked out of the plane's window and saw the towering buildings of Seoul, South Korea. She popped another anti-anxiety attack pill, her third of the day, and settled in to her seat. Having a panic attack would help no one and the thought of being trapped on a plane while having a panic attack made her want to cry.

All of her life, Ri had a problem with overthinking. She thought it might stem from her anxiety or depression, but she couldn't be sure because she had so many other overwhelming issues.

Like the toll of living with severely abusive parents for all of her life. One was a narcissist and the other...she was pretty sure he was a sociopath. Together they were a nightmare. Living hell. 


Ri wouldn't let herself go there while trying to fight off her building panic. Instead, she plugged her headphones in and listened to music that she had downloaded onto her phone. Save Me by BTS blasted in her ears and successfully helped her block out the unwanted thoughts. 

Despite everything, she was excited to finally see BTS in concert. The irony of the song playing was not lost on her. 

Going to this concert was her dying wish. She spent all of her money to go to South Korea and have front row seats to a BTS concert. That was what she was living for at the moment. 

After the concert was over, she didn't even plan to get a hotel room or anything. She brought nothing with her to this foreign country except her phone, purse, and abundance of mental instability.

She had faith she would be able to find a bridge or something to get the job done after the concert. She wasn't really worried about that part.

She wasn't worried about anyone missing her. She spent her whole life worried that if she ever did anything she wanted to do rather than bending to the will of others, she would be hated. 

Well, she was hated anyway. She figured she might as well do something for herself before she ended the whole life thing.

Calm washed over her as the medicine kicked in and she thought of not having to...deal with anything anymore. 

Smiling slightly, she pressed replay on her phone and closed her eyes.

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