The First Lesson

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"What're you smiling about?"
"Nothing, don't worry Charlotte" Hanna spoke softly to her confused friend.
Charlotte didn't believe a word of that. She knew exactly what she was smiling about, a smirk growing on her face.

"Don't get any ideas, babe. He'll break your heart." She said while biting into a pumpkin pasty, Hanna still kept her glaze at what would be her new professor.

"What've you got first lesson?" Hanna bit her lip, hoping this would distract Charlotte from asking questions.
" Potions with Snape" Charlotte said while Hanna scanned her schedule.
Defence against the Dark Arts- Professor Lupin.
"Oh, I have DADA with Lupin."
"See you at lunch, Hanna!" Charlotte said while running to a corridor where her locker was.

(Lupin's first lesson)
"Hello all, as you know, my name is Professor Lupin and this is your first lesson. Today we'll be focusing on Boggarts!"
"Everybody, repeat after me: Riddikulus!
Everybody followed except one. A boy in the corner with a cast over his arm and messy blonde hair. Hanna heard him whisper "This class is ridiculous."

Lupin didn't notice. "Everybody, into a line!" he shouted while playing music.

First, Ron's boggart then Padma and Parvati, then Neville and so on. Until he got to Hanna. She got out her wand and was inches away from Lupin, his smell drifting over to her. Like aftershave, cinnamon and pinewood. She hadn't realised the boggart was right in-front of her.
She mumbled Riddikulus but nothing happened. Lupin charged infront of her to prevent any harm to Hanna and the boggart slowly changed. She felt lightheaded and quickly fell to the floor with a BANG!

She subtly opened an eye and saw feet moving, not hers. Wide brown shoes. She heard him grunting. It was Lupin. His smell was becoming stronger as they walked. She closed her eyes as they kept on walking.

She woke up with a headache. She saw a face. Charlotte's face. "Hey, you're awake!" Charlotte said happily before settling in a chair.
"Where am I?" Hanna stumbled on her words which was unusual.
" The Hospital Wing." Charlotte answered calmly. " You should've seen Lupin's face! He was terrified, thought you were dead!"

Charlotte explained how she was pulled out of Snape's class by Lupin. He had a worried look on his face and rushed her to his classroom. There was Hanna, lying looking peaceful. Lupin didn't know what to do. After pacing his classroom 4 times he decided to pick her up bridal style and take her to Madam Pomfrey.

"Wow, he did all that for me." Hanna gasped. " Duh, he's your teacher!" Charlotte replied with a smile. "Teachers don't carry their students especially female students." Hanna said confused while smiling.

"Ah, you're awake Miss Spicer."
She heard a familiar voice say. Lupin walked into the hospital wing to check on her. Like he had done 3 times for the past hour.

"Oh hello, professor." Hanna replied, blushing at the thought of what Lupin had done.
"I think i'm gonna go, see ya Hanna!" Charlotte said while giggling, she ran out.
"How are you doing?" Lupin asked to break the silence.
"I'm fine, I have one nasty headache though!" Hanna replied, softly blushing.
He cared. Or was that what he was supposed to do? He had been nice to his students but not as nice as personally asking questions.

He rummaged around in his pocket trying to find something and pulled it out, making a loud and crinkly sound.
"Here, eat this. It's chocolate, it'll help your head." He handed her roughly 4 squares of a chocolate bar.

" Do you tend to faint a lot? Or is it just around me, Miss Spicer?"
Lupin asked, a big grin sneaking onto his face.
"I guess so." She replied chuckling.
"And also, you can call me Hanna."
She said and she gave him a toothy smile.
He smiled back at her before getting up.
" I'll let you rest, Hanna. I have a class in.." He checked his watch. Hanna could tell he was counting as his eyes were glinting across the room. "5 minutes." he said after a few moments.

"Oh, er, professor?" Hanna asked trying to get up.
"Hey, hey!" He slowly lied her back down before catching her gaze once more.
"What is it, Hanna?" He broke the glaze and asked curiously.
"Is it true you carried me here, bridal style?"
She looked over to Lupin who was blushing terribly. " I- er, I didn't know what to do. Sorry if it was a little uncomfortable and unprofessional." Lupin said, still red as a tomato.
"I'm sorry, I have to go. I'm going to be late for a class." Lupin said while he walked away. He peered around the corner. "Stay out of trouble, Hanna."
She reassured him with a smile.
As he was walking, she saw he was smirking to himself. "See you later, professor!" She shouted after him.

He was the most amazing person. He was unforgivably kind. And he was respectful. She rarely found people like that. Cedric had been chasing after her for two years, constantly asking her out. He wasn't like Lupin. He was nice to her.

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