The Incident

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Hanna was sat at the Hufflepuff Table in the great table, looking down at her schedule for that day. She groaned in annoyance. She had Potions with Snape first thing. She wanted to rip him to pieces, after what he said to Remus.
"Oh yeah, Remus." Hanna giggled to herself.

She saw Remus in the corridor and ran up to him. "Hey sir, what class are you teaching?" she asked carefully. Remus was talking to Harry and she didn't want to slip up.

"Ah hi Miss Spicer, I have Harry's class first!" he said, his hands in his pockets.
Remus smiled a little. "Okay, see you later Professor!" she grinned at him.
She walked away backwards, while waving at Harry and Remus.

Charlotte in Hanna's Potions class today. They both walked to class together, holding their potion books in their arms.
"What's up? Why are ya blushing, Charlotte?!" Hanna said, moving in-front of her.

"Harry asked me out!" Charlotte said, with a huge smile.
"Omg, congrats gurll!!" Hanna hugged her.
They walked into Snape's classroom and soon, stopped smiling. He had issued a new seating plan and Charlotte was a whole room away! They frowned at the sight of this.

Hanna looked in horror at the name of the person who was placed next to her.
Cedric Diggory.
She moped to her seat and sat down quickly, she was then joined by a rather smug looking Cedric.

"Hey, Sweetie Pie!" she loathed as the words left his happy mouth.
"I thought you'd stop that once I smashed your jaw in." she said, not even facing him.
"Nope. That was a sexy thing you did though. I know you can take care of yourself." he replied quickly, with a wink.

Hanna practically gagged.
"You are vile, you know that?"
Cedric's head flung down. Hanna joined him. Cold, hard hands wrappedround their heads. "Quiet!" they heard Snape, behind them.

The lesson droned on slowly. Hanna looked over at Cedric, he didn't seem to be focusing on the work. She went back to her work but soon, felt a warm hand find it's way up her shirt. She was speechless. Cedric's hand was up her shirt.
She'd had enough. She got up, revealing Cedric's hand in mid air. She picked up her bag and stormed out.

There was only one place she could think of. Remus' class. But he was teaching! She groaned. She headed towards the library instead. If she couldn't learn in class without someone touching her, the library would help.

She sat, and started reading about the potion they were learning in class. She checked her watch. 5 mins till next lesson.

Remus' class has ended! She grabbed her bag and ran out. She practically flew into Lupin's classroom. Seeing it was empty, and there was nobody around, she ran into his arms. He hugged her tight.

"What's wrong?! Is it Cedric again?!" he asked her. She nodded slowly. "This boy is getting on my nerves, why can't he bloody leave you alone?!" Remus said, angry. "Cmon, darling, tell me what he did this time." he ushered her over to his desk and she sat down.

"Cedric put his hands up my shirt during class." Hanna mumbled, feeling uncomfortable.
"I've had it! This will be going to Dumbledore, Han."
He hugged her again. "I'll keep you safe."
She noticed he looked very weak.
"Remus?" she said, looking up at him.
"Yes, dear?" he relied, kissing her on the forehead.
"The full moon is tomorrow, will you be okay?!" Hanna asked, looking worried.
He looked tired. "I'll let you rest, Rem." she said, giving him a final hug.
She turned to leave and Remus spun her round. He kissed her softly.
"I love you, Hanna." he said, smiling down at her.
"I love you too, Remus." she rubbed her nose against his.
She picked up her bag and blew him a kiss.
Then, opened the door and left.
She heard him mumble, "God, I love her." and blushed.

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