𝔈𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔟𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔊𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔄 𝔉𝔲𝔠𝔨 𝔅𝔬𝔲𝔱' 𝔐𝔢 & ℑ 𝔄𝔦𝔫'𝔱 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔗𝔬 𝔜𝔬𝔲

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The next morning at the perfect moment i get a call from Ace

J   A


hello? Ace?

Hey jade i was just calling because i felt bad about how i reacted last time we chilled i shouldn't have expected you to say anything other than friends

no i'm sorry i was so inconsiderate to your feelings even bringing you there when i kinda had eyes on someone else was really not the best choice i could've made

it's totally chill um but i still think you're really chill to be around if you're down to still be friends i'd be too but if not i won't call again, and sorry for bothering you in the morning

being friends is a dope idea, and honestly the guy was a fucking dick head to me and was so not worth losing a possible homie over

shittt what did he do? i mean if you don't mind me asking

no actually i need someone to rant to but we hooked up and it wasn't a big deal at first obviously but it happened more but he was doing more and more little things you know just those little things you wouldn't do for a hook up

yeah i get that

and well he just tried to play me the whole time but if i'm not one step ahead i'm not phased, there was the first random girl and well i noticed and gladly backed off and then we had another night together and i don't know i feel like we just connect on a deeper level every time

then it was the nonchalant attitude which i brushed off and showed him the same energy then comes the second random girl but an ex this time and this is happening right now

damn he sounds like a douche bag , he shouldn't have treated you like that it's fucked

yup and an asshole but i saw past that fuck boy mask so what can you do. Now i gotta go to this stupid release/tour party my girls are going to be with there boys and he's going to be there with her

so don't go, do your own thing

see that's the thing it's not an option my girls would literally tie me down put an outfit on me and drag me there and make up a million reasons why i should go and their reasons almost always end up being good

hey i have a crazy idea

what if i went with you as friends of course but only you and your girls know and put on your best fit and i'll be there for support and so you can walk in with another dude too

that's not terrible idea Ace and it just might make me dread this party less but are you sure you wanna go back after what happened last time?

psh yeah i'll be fine i'll just drink a lot don't worry i wanna make it up to you

you know you don't have to make anything up to me i should be doing something for you

honestly being homies is dope enough for me so text me when you wanna meet up and i'll be there

okay thanks homie i will

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