Argumentative essay: conversion therapy

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Grade i got: A

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You wake up one day and realize who you are; you understand the feelings and desires you have. You know yourself. Suddenly you're in therapy, getting urged to go back, because you're not accepted for who you are. Imagine that. Sadly, its something nearly 10% of LGBTQ youth have to go through.There are 20 states in the USA that have protected People from this, however, that leaves 30 states that still allow it, and that's only the USA. Conversion therapy is not okay, its causing risks of suicide, and self harm, and its been proven to not be valid. Conversion therapy should not be allowed anywhere.

As stated before, conversion therapy is dangourous and wrong. And if you dont know what conversion therapy is, basically it's meant to help change someone sexual orientation or gender identidy, converting them to heterosexual cis people. Unfortunately LGBTQ members are not fully protected from this, as there are still 30 states in the USA that still allow it, and many more places in other countries. About 63% of Minors who have experienced conversion therapy have attempted suicide. This kind of thing is causing severe shame, depression and self hatred. The Pan American Health Organization has stated that conversion therapy lacks medical justification and is a serious threat to the health and well being of affected people. Therfore proving that conversion therapy is a risk and danger to anyone affacted by it.

In the states with no laws and/or protection from conversion therapy, an estimated 20,00 LGBTQ minors will be subjected to conversion therapy with a lisenced health care profesional. These "therapists" clain they can cure homosexuality. The real issure with this is that homosexuality is not an illness. Huma Munshi, Equality Improvement Manager at mental health charity Mind, says that "any type of conversion therapy is based on intolerant, inaccurate and outdated assumptions about gender and sexual orientation." They could not be more right! People should have the right to be themselves, and we should respect who they are.

Now, some people, Such as conversion therapists and unsupportive parrentsbelieve that conversion therapy can help. Even some teens themselves want to take up conversion therapy becuase they dont like being homosexual and believe it can really help. And that's the problem here, they should not try and change themselves. However, most conversion therapy is because of non supportive parents who want their kid to change. Many people think homosexuality is a sin, but is being true to yourself a sin? No. Conversion therapy can also be taken up because or religions that dont support this kind of thing. But they aren't realizing that they are causing trauma throughout the community. More and more people are being subjected to conversion therapy becuase of this.

As i've stated conversion therapy is wrong and its dangourous. It causes many teens to experience trauma, depression, shame, and self hate. It's meant to change their decision of being who they are. And while most teens have thought of taking up conversion therapy, the cause of thay is because of unsupportive family members and religouns. The things they attempt to do in conversion therapy is not okay. Don't let anyone change you. You're valid, and you're amazing.  

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