Shibuya life

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Boarding the train that would take her to Shibuya became bothersome to Rin. She hated crowded places and areas it irritated her. She finds herself a seat, her gaze lingers to the LED screen something piqued her interest. The person they were talking about was the infamous Detective Prince Goro Akechi.

" Well, if it isn't the prince himself. Wonder what he spews this time." Rin mockingly said, folding her arms across her chest and listening in in on what Akechi has to say. Just as the show seemed to get interesting the train lights flickered on and off startling most of the passengers. Rin on the other hand didn't care.

" Hey! The hell's going on up there?!" One of the male passengers yelled, what they didn't know was that the conductor had a mental shutdown and the train nearly derailed off the train tracks. Rin held on to the bar above her hoping that the train wouldn't crash, she shut her eyes drowning out the screams of the passengers, just as she opened her eyes the screaming died down, rin initially thought the train did derail but instead it arrived at the shibuya train station. Rin immediately gets off, she goes up the escalator that leads upstairs towards the shibuya area.

Rin steps outside scanning the area around her. Just as she began looking around she felt a pair of eyes piercing her back, she turns to face the person but no one was there. "Am I hallucinating or something ?'' Rin asked herself, shaking away the thought of being watched.

" Maybe I should go to central Shibuya to check out the stores. But first let me call that idiot brother of mine" Rin mused to herself dialing ren's number.

~At Shujin Academy~ "Hey, you're phones going off is it a hot chick?" A blond male asked a male with black curly hair gray eyes and glasses, both males wore the shujin uniform.

" Huh? No. It's my twin sister" Ren answers looking down at his phone.

" You have a twin sister? No effin way! Does she know about us?" Ryuji incredulously asked his eyes slightly wide.

" Of course she doesn't. She and I aren't as close as we were before. We sort of distanced ourselves from each other. Anyway I have to answer." Ren replied sounding somewhat uninterested.

Ryuji grins toothily at the face ren made he occupied himself by playing on his phone.

" Hello?'' Ren picked up his phone only to wince slightly.

" Hey! Idiot I'm in central Shibuya come and get me" Rin demanded, on the other end.

" Why are you even in Shibuya did you get lost?" Ren asked mildly curious, he could hear his twin sigh on the other end.

" No, I came here cause... I wanted to see you.." Rin awkwardly admits.

Ren couldn't believe his ears. So instead of actually hearing her he decides to put her on speaker. "Sorry couldn't hear you sis. Care to repeat that?" Ren innocently asked. He could just hear rin scoff under her breath, he hurriedly shushed ryuji who snickered to himself.

" I.. Said I wanted to see you." Rin repeats this time placidly, ren opened his mouth to speak but the bell rang signaling that school was over.

Ren and Ryuji leave Shujin's courtyard, the pair meet up with Ann who waited for them at the entrance of the school.

'' Ann didja know Ren-ren has a twin?'' Ryuji spoke while the trio walked towards the train station.

Ann looks over at ren for confirmation. He nodded his head confirming her suspicions.

" What is she like?'' Ann curiously asked?

" Different. She doesn't know about us being phantom thieves nor does she know that I have friends." Ren replies, whilst him and the other two board the train to Shibuya.

The trio takes the train to shibuya, it arrives at the train station ren exits first the other two get off as well they then started talking ren of course, gave nods of agreement when they asked him something, the trio rides the escalator up that lead to the underground walkway.

Ren's phone goes off again he already knew that Rin was the only one calling him. He did not answer instead him, ryuji and ann take the stairs that lead out to where rin would most likely be at.

Ryuji began looking around, hoping he would spot her.

Ann does the same looking around wanting to know what she wore.

Rin sees her brother, and as much as she wanted to run and envelop him in a hug she restrained herself.

Instead she, walks over to him tugging her suitcase behind her.

Ren gives her a wave, she returns the gesture using her free hand.

" whoa! She's a looker!" Ryuji exclaimed getting a good look at rin, who looked visibly disgusted at his outburst.

" And you two are...?'' Rin cautiously questions.

" Ryuji Sakamato'' Ryuji introduces himself grinning from ear to ear.

" Ann Takamaki." Ann introduces herself a soft smile gracing her features.

" They happen to be my friends from school." Ren spoke up, eyeing his twin sister's suitcase.

" ... Interesting. So where are you staying?" Rin asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

The trio sweat drops at her question, Morgana pops his head out from ren's bag, to get a glance at rin.

Rin felt the cat stare, she steps closer to her brother only to poke at morgana's ears.

" Cute cat. Does he have a name?'' Rin inquisitively ponders.

" My name is Morgana!" Morgana declared. He expected rin to understand him yet all she heard was a meow from him.

" He says his name is Mona" Ryuji spoke for morgana, a teasing grin morphing its way onto his face.

" I feel as if he can understand human speech" Rin mused regarding morgana skeptically.

" He can understand human speech" Ryuji spoke up getting elbowed by ren.

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