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This was requested by: hydraxiii

Thank you so much for this wonderful idea!!❤😊🤗

Tanjiro lay in his bed, battling his memories and thoughts. He was crying, crying so much that he was starting to get an unbearable headache. Yet to his avail, they wouldn't stop. 'It's your fault their dead!!!' Tanjiro clutched his pillow. 'If you weren't so stupid half of us wouldn't be dead!' He grounded. 'It's YOUR fault Nezuko is a deamon!' The red head tried to cover his ears...'You couldn't even save us, you where to late.' He broke. A loud sob like scream, echoed through the empty recovery room. The boy began to hypervent, shaking his head back and forth, as he lay clutching his head, curled into a small ball.

"I'm sorry- I never wanted to let you down.." He cried to himself, repeating it over and over. Only to stop when he heard a door open, then close..... He tried to quickly whipe all the tears away, trying to regain a normal breathing pattern.

His door opened.

"Hey... are you okay Tanjiro...?"


Zenitsu himself was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Wanting, wishing, to fall asleep. Tonight in particular, was cloudy and rainy. The type of weather that made Zenitsu want to curl up and hide. He hated rainy nights, or days. He just hated rain storms, and loud noises in general. It reminded him of when he was struck by lightning, he may of survived, but it of course still caused trauma. The blonde boy sighed rolling onto his side trying to cover his ears to block out the sound of the storm.

He lay there for what seemed like hours before he started hearing sniffling. He removed his hands from his ears slowly. He was soon able to pinpoint the sound to Tanjiro's room. This made his heart drop. He would of been lying if he said he didn't have a crush on the boy. Zenitsu's eyebrows knitted together, wondering what on earth the boy could be sobbing about, it was almost unbearable to listen to.

Zenitsu was gonna let it go, deciding he might just need some time, but when he heard a scream like sob, he bolted into a sitting position. He was worried now, very worried.  So, he pulled himself out of his warm bed slipping on a pair of yellow slippers. Zenitsu slowly opened his door,only to close it after a few seconds, he was now walking towards Tanjiro's room, witch was happened to only be three rooms away.

Zenitsu very shortly reached the door, and without thinking opened it. "Hey... are you okay Tanjiro...?" Zenitsu speaks up in a soft voice. Tanjiro's head snapped up to the door, you could clearly see he had been crying, his eyes where puffy and red. Zenitsu's eyes widened almost eminently. Tanjiro just smiles.

"I heard you Tanjiro... I know something's up..." Zenitsu sighs, walking up to the small bed. "Oh... I'm sorry for waking you..." Tanjiro looks away from the blonde. Zenitsu looks at the boy, he knows how it feels to feel alone, not wanting to bother anyone with your problems. "Don't be sorry..." Zenitsu sits on the bed. "Don't be sorry for something out of you control.." The older boy grabs Tanjiro's hand. "Plus, I was already awake.." Tanjiro finally looks back at the blonde. He has a soft smile of comfort on his face.

Tanjiro starts to feel his tears come back, "I-I..I'm-" "No. It's fine..." Zenitsu moves close to the boy, wrapping him in a warm hug. "Let everything out..."


Words: 602

A/N: Sorry for the long wait hydraxiii !!! I got really busy with school!!! I hope you enjoyed none the less though!♡


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