The Shower Attack

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"There were people. I, I don't know who they were, but they were surrounding me. Christy, you jumped in to protect me, and they.. They killed you. They used me to get to you." Grace said, panic slowly building in her chest again.

Christy turned back and looked at Grace, her eyes narrow. She would burn in hell before she let something happened to the one person she honestly cared about.

"What?" she asked.

Christys body began to shake. She couldn't even think of her best friend getting hurt because of her.

"No, I would never let that happen, I promise."

Grace got up and walked over to Christy and grabbed and held her close. The thought of losing her best friend, or even her brothers, it killed her. She had grown to love this demon, even though they had only known each other for a short amount of time. She knew that Christy would protect her from everything. Christy hesitated for a second before hugging her back, letting her chin rest on the girl's shoulder, shutting her eyes.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." she whispered.

"And I won't let anyone hurt you." Grace said, tightening her grip.

She smiled, turning and looking at Drew and Johnathan.

"And I sure as hell won't let anyone hurt the two of you either."

"You know, you are the first demon I actually kinda like." Johnathan said, smirking.

Johnathan had walked over to the table and had grabbed a cheeseburger off the table. He was looking around the table at all the food and gave a huge smile.

"Hey! At least you actually remember the pie!" Johnathan said, giving Drew that; remember the time you forgot the pie, look.

Grace smile and laughed at her brothers. Christy's eyes lit up as she thanked Johnathan. She started pulling Grace over to the table.

"Come on, lets get some food before your brothers eat it all." she said, giggling as they went.

Grace laughed and ran over to the table. She grabbed up some fruit and pancakes and started to munch away.

"This is amazing." Grace said with a mouth full of food.

Drew smiled and looked at Johnathan. She was exactly like him and he knew he was never going to let Johnathan live it down. 

"Yep, she is a mini version of you." he said laughing at his sister.

Christy smiled happily, watching the group eat the food that she had bought. Grace looked up at Christy and smiled widely as she took a cupcake and walked up to her. She giggled as she shoved the cupcake in Christy's hand and said to eat.

"Thanks." Christy said, taking the wrapper off the cupcake and taking a bite. "It's nice seeing you all eat."

Grace smiled and threw a second cupcake at her brother making it stick to his face. She fell backwards onto the bed laughing at him. Johnathan laughed as he peeled the sticky cake off his face and then started eating it. Christy finished hers and moved to pick up another one before they became ammo in a food fight.

"I'm going to go take a shower real quick." Grace said, grabbing a change of clothes from her bag.

Johnathan nodded his head and told her to make it quick so they could hit the road. She nodded and shut the bathroom door and turned on the shower head. She looked out the window as she was brushing her teeth and had to do a double take. She swore she saw a face in the tree line. She shook her head, thinking maybe it was the dream still clouding her thinking.

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