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The next morning you got up and did ur morning routine and got dressed into

The next morning you got up and did ur morning routine and got dressed into

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Ur make up

And went downstairs and seen kobe and Derek

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And went downstairs and seen kobe and Derek




Y/n-well I gotta go pick up Hazel,Sky, Savannah and Dominique and Aliyah


You left and picked Hazel up first

Her outfit

Her outfit

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Y/n- hey

Hazel- so how was it

Y/n- what r u talking about

Hazel- girl you have hickeys all over ur neck

Y/n-wait fr

Hazel- yea so how was it

Y/n-girl stfu
You playfully hit her

Then you picked up victoria
Her outfit

Then you picked up victoriaHer outfit

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You and Hazel-hii

Y/n-i finna stop at a gas station


You stop at a gas station and went into the store by yourself leaving Victoria and Hazel alone

Victoria-I need your help

Hazel-sure what's up

Victoria--umm I kinda like someone

Hazel-wait fr who

Victoria-umm kobe
She mumbled his name

Hazel-wait no you can't like him he's been y/n crush for years (she said getting frustrated)

Victoria-I know I don't know how to tell her

You got into the car

Y/n- hey umm y'all good


You went to pick up Sky, Dominique, and Aliyah

Sky outfit

Aliyah outfit

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Aliyah outfit

Dominique outfits

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Dominique outfits

Y'all went to a restaurant and the waiter kept flirting with you and u were getting uncomfortable and Dominique saw and told him that he was your boyfriend but aliyah didn't mind because she didn't want you to be uncomfortable so after that y'all ...

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Y'all went to a restaurant and the waiter kept flirting with you and u were getting uncomfortable and Dominique saw and told him that he was your boyfriend but aliyah didn't mind because she didn't want you to be uncomfortable so after that y'all went home and saw Derek with the boys and Derek went up to u

Derek-hey there's a party next weekend you wanna come and invite your friends

Y/n-uh yea sure

Sorry it's short I just have a lot to work on at school 💙💚💜🖤

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