Chapter 3

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"So we just put it in an apple leave it on his table and wait for him to eat it?"George asked.

"Exactly!" Willow replied.

"However you come up with these ideas ill never know," Lee said

"Okay okay, we get it I'm great now I'll go flirt with Blaise, and while I'm doing that ill put the apple where Draco sits ok?"

In reply, the three boys nodded as Willow left the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, Blaise" willow said in a flirtatious way." whatcha doing?"

"Erm.. eating?" He replied in confusion.

"Oo mind if I try?" Willow said attempting to not burst into laughter. At this point, Blaise had a mischievous grin on his face as he held out his spoon to let willow try some of his profita-rolls.

As he did so Willow put her hand on the table and put the apple where Draco normally sits and she ate the food on Blaise's spoon.

She then licked her lips and whispered to Blaise "See you later."Before she walked off behind Blaise so he couldn't see her and gave a thumbs up and a wink to the three boys waiting anxiously outside the great hall.

"She's actually done it!" Fred said as she approached them.

"How'd you do it?" Lee asked, "I mean how did you manage to fool Blaise like that?"

"Please he's had a crush on me for years it was easy," She replied.

This caused the four of them to burst into laughter before they saw Draco heading into the great hall. They quickly sopped their laughing and peeked around the corner off the entrance to the great hall as they saw Draco sit down and pick up the apple and take a bite from it.

Instantly he looked at Crabbe, and Crabbe looked at him with a look of horror on his face. Draco stared at him for at least 5 minutes before he jumped over the table causing the food around him to fall on the ground and the people around him to stand up in shock.

He sat down next to Crabbe who still looked horrified as if he had seen a ghost before pulling him into a passionate kiss. Crabbe kept his eyes open before kissing him back.

This caused the group of four to burst into laughter as they ran away to the Gryffindor common room laughing their heads off.

"You know what Willow I never thought you would be this fun I always thought you were a bit you know-" George stopped realizing what he had said.

"Weird? yeah well, my name is pillow willow the girl who has nightmares" Willow said in a sarcastic voice.

"Well yeah" he replied

This caused the group to burst into laughter yet again. once they had calmed down Fred decided to ask Willow a question.

"So pillow willow, what are your nightmares about?"

This caused the smile on Willow's face to disappear causing an awkward silence.

"Well you've got to promise me you won't tell anyone this, my name is Willow Valentino anyway my dad, well my dad was an ex-death eater, and you-know-who he hunted us down when I was only 5 and killed my dad in front of me, and every night I see it again. it's fine if you don't want to be my friend anymore not many people do once I tell them."

this left everyone in silence for at least a minute.

"I'm so sorry Willow that happened to you, and I will still be your friend I don't care about your parents or who they were it matters who you are," Lee said to Willow in a merciful voice.

"Yeah," the twins said at the same time.

Wilow quickly went up to them and hugged them thankfully. She had only ever had one friend who she had told this and she bullied Willow for it.

"Thanks, guys," She said as she pulled away from the hug.

It was once again midnight and Willow snook out and went to the boy's dorm just as she had yesterday. she opened the door and went and layed down on George's bed.

"Okay so today was a great success but now according to spreading rumors, Blaise thinks Willow actually likes him so he's going to ask you out, and unfortunately Willow you have to say yes," Lee said seriously.

"WHAT?!" Willow and Fred said at the same time as they glanced at each other before turning their attention back at Lee.

"Well if she says no then soon Blaise will find out she used him to put the apple there and he will for sure tell Draco which means he will find out it was us"He explained

"Anyway," George said breaking the silence"I've been thinking about our prank tomorrow and I remembered how Willow had used pollyjuice potion to look like snape so someone else, so we could take some pollyjuice to look like madam Pomfrey and we could like make them do something really embarrassing in public?" He finished.

"YES!" the rest said at the same time.

"Okay so Willow can be madam Pomfrey and Lee can be professor snape?" George suggested.

"Sure!" they both replied.

"and then I and Fred will get some of their hairs whilst you two make the potions."

Willow woke up and walked around getting ready with a skip in her step. she was super excited for today this would for sure be one of her best pranks ever.

"Excited for something Willow?" Angelina asked giving her a knowing look.

"Its probably because she's got a date with Blaise," Katie said causing the girls to chuckle slightly and willow to blush.

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