||chapter 1||

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Sodapop’s P.O.V.

“What can I help you with?” I was asking, with a sly smile and wink, to a soc. She was one of the usuals that came here Friday night after school to hang around and watch me work. I call it work. Fridays and Saturdays is when all the soc’s come around, mostly girls but some guys show too. I work at the DX everyday but Sundays. During the weekdays I actually do work on the cars and help around with my buddy Steve. My gang, it ain’t mine, and it’s not really a gang, just a group of friends who stick together, stop by on weekdays before Pony, Dally, and Johnny head off to the nightly double. No soc’s are there then because they’re all on the south side in school, where they need to stay.

The girl, she’s real cute, has cherry red hair and dark hazel eyes with long eyelashes and soft pink lips. “Oh I’m just here for you.” She says placing her elbow on the counter, getting closer to me. The other girls start giggling as I keep talking and winking at one every now and then. I get a kick out of it. Greaser girls and even the soc girls stay ‘till the sun starts going down, looking at me and laughing at my jokes while I flirt with them all.

“Time to go boy!” I say good bye to the ladies and shoo them out while Steve locks up the back, coming back to walk home with me. “Ready man?” I ask grabbing my bag with extra clothes in it, not bothering to change like I usually would. Steve nods and we walk out into the light of the moon, heading the six blocks home.

I was talking about how Dally is going to get Pony into trouble at some point when Steve stops beside me suddenly, and staring at his watch. “Ah shoot.” I look at him, waiting for him to explain. “Stacy’d be at her party now, I gotta go, I promised on my life I wouldn’t be late. You okay walking home yourself the rest of the way?” Steve was leaving me even if I told him I couldn’t walk alone, Darry would shoot me, but I just tell him it’s cool. “Yeah, it’s just a couple blocks away, I’ll be good, go enjoy your time with her, it’s her big one-six.” Steve slaps my shoulder and starts running the other direction. I assume trying to make better time.

Humming to myself I’m casually walking a slow pace when I hear a car’s engine slow. Only being a block away now I hope I could make it home so I speed up, but not quite running, hoping the mustang will continue on. With my greaser luck it doesn’t, and they are pulling over. I start running, all I have to do is make it to my front lawn, and the car blocks off my path. The driver and front passenger jumps out when I try to turn the other way, and three more in the back seat, making a circle around me. “Hey there, greaser.” The driver spits out at me. “You’re not on your own land now, you better be careful.” I say keeping my voice calm, even with my heart pounding so loud I’m sure they can hear it.

I’ve never been jumped before, but I’ve seen how bad it can get from when Johnny got jumped by a few soc’s two months ago, his whole left cheek got scarred up. This has bound to be the same outcome.

“This looks like the punk from the DX my girl goes to see.” The driver states, looking me over. “Need a haircut, greaser?” The driver smirks, flipping out a silver switch blade from his pocket. My feet spring into action trying to run now, the passenger soc has me down, pinned to the pavement in seconds. The man places his knees onto my shoulders, putting all his weight there to keep me down. If you think you’ve felt pain, you haven’t until you’re thrown onto rock hard ground and stinging in your shoulders. “DALLY!” Why did I scream for Dallas? “DARRY, DARRY!” I yell louder. “Shut him up!” The driver puts the silver blade against my neck while his buddies cover my mouth with their hands. I quit struggling though when I felt the cold medal touch my neck, knowing now I could be the one to end up cutting my throat if I move. “Right here should be fine.” The driver’s eyes glare into mine with a smirk, and I glare back with hatred. “Actually, here seems better, this okay?” He whispers in my ear, like he is asking me the question, while he moves the blade across my neck to the other side, but not pressing down enough to draw blood.

Things Have Changed || Dallas Winston and Sodapop Curtis x (slow updates)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora