||chapter 3||

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Once we reached Buck's Dally let go of my arm and I felt the cold morning air return.

"Why are we here Dal?" Dally throws the door open walking right inside and slams it behind him.

"Dal?" I ask again, him ignoring me, again. I watch him search the place, pushing people aside. I stay down stairs and look around, not moving away from the front door. Dallas returns with a hardened face. "He ain't here." I walk out with him, confused.

"Well of course Johnny ain't here, he's still back at the house." I replied to him.

"Not him." Dally says back in a harsh tone. I decide to leave it alone for now and we both start walking back the way to my house, Pony and everyone would still be there, it's Saturday and they have nothing going on. Darry though has probably left for his other job. That man needs a break. I can see my house by the time Dally decides to finally speak after an extended walk in comfortable silence; I guess he's cooled down now. He starts by shaking his head, "No, no. I was looking for Buck. Just don't ask, okay Soda?" He comments, rubbing my hair playfully with a smirk plastered on his face. I lazily run my hand through it fixing the little pieces he messed up.

"Sure thing, Dal." I responded quietly while laughing.

Johnny is still sitting on the couch like nothing happened and everything is as usual. Two-bit is watching Mickey Mouse, and Darry is gone, as I assumed.

"Were's Pony?" I ask walking in kicking off my shoes.

"I think a better question is, where were you hoodlums?" Pony asks walking in from the kitchen. He is smoking a cigarette and Dallas pulls out one of his own. I don't smoke 'em though. I get drunk on pain living and could never damage my lungs like that. I may be stupid, but my lungs aren't.

"Just walking around. I was feeling a little active when I woke up this morning so I asked Dal to take a walk." I fed the crew a lie because I don't know if Dally wanted me to spill it just yet. I don't even know how much I know yet either.

Two hours later we've done nothing but huddle around the moving picture box that is the tv watching a Mickey Mouse marathon. Today feels like a lazy day for some reason. Unfortunately, now I have to go get ready to go to the DX because Steve is most likely going to be here in about 45. I found the strength to pull myself off of the couch and step into the bathroom for a quick shower.

The "quick" shower turned out to be a 15 minute shower due to my day dreams. I don't know why but they all were day dreams of Dallas Winston, and trust me, they were not clean fantasies but of course that would only stay with myself. Oh boy would that be awkward if he found out. I always have kept this to myself but Dally has always made me feel something weird, something only girls have made me feel before, and even though it isn't an unfamiliar feeling, it's strange coming from a guy and it makes me curious. It makes me think sometimes but as much as I do, I can't put a finger on what the feeling is. Somehow, I found a way to test him just to see how he feels about me.

I stepped out of the tub and wrapped the towel lower than usual around my hips and decided to take a detour to the kitchen before entering mine and Pony's bedroom. I made sure to take my time as I walked past the lounging area in the living room but to my surprise, Dally wasn't there. Consequently, I gave up and walked towards my room. When I opened the door I nearly jumped to find Dallas in there. He pulled me in and shut the door behind me.

"We're going back to Buck's tomorrow okay, around 5 again. Don't ask questions, I'll explain later on but I'm gonna crash here so I can wake ya and keep an eye on Johnny got it?" Dally asserted firmly.

"Gotcha Dal." I winked at him. I noticed his eyes trail below my face onto my bare, wet chest and onto my v-line tracing somewhere lower but he diverted his gaze to the door and walked out without saying anything else, leaving me in thought.

I threw on my DX shirt with some jeans leaving the shirt unbuttoned cuz I was getting kinda sweaty and walked out with a pair of socks in my hand. Steve is going to be here soon. I plopped down on the couch next to two-bit and put my socks on then placed my DX cap on my head over my greased up hair while I waited for Steve. It didn't take too long for him to show up. When he got here he grabbed a beer, I stepped into some shoes, and we were on our way.

We walked past the lot and I was buttoning up my shirt when Steve spoke up, "Did you see Dally eyeing you up in there, Soda? It was weird wasn't it?"

Crap. "Yeah it was pretty weird I guess, didn't seem too strange though. I barely even noticed." Oh the lies I had to tell. "I wouldn't pay too much mind to it."

"You're right Sodapop, he was probably just laughing at ya from the inside." said Steve as he punched my bicep, laughing. You think you're funny don't ya.

"Haha, hilarious." I retorted as I threw a kick at him and chased him down the blocks left until we got to the gas station. "Steve, you better watch your back boy." I told him between laughs and gasps for breath as I reported to my station and he left to his.

Author's note

Sorry this chapter is so late I was inactive for a while but I'm back and I will be updating often if you guys show this story some love! I hope you guys liked this chapter, it's a bit shorter than the others but I worked hard on it. you guys are great thanks for reading. xx  ~rosa

Things Have Changed || Dallas Winston and Sodapop Curtis x (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now