My First Impressions

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I thought to start this book off, I'd tell y'all about my first impression of the show. At least what I can remember. Maybe I'll do a chapter like this about each episode and I'll tell y'all what I thought about it my first time watching it so yeah. 

For starters, I first heard about JATP through Kenny's Instagram. I saw that booboo was in it and I made a mental note to check it out but then completely forgot about it. Then like two months later I was bored surfing through Netflix and cams across it. I fully expected to hate the show. I thought it was going to be some stupid kids show but it was Kenny Ortega so I had to at least give it a chance. 

My first time watching episode one:

Yeah the guys are pretty hot, but I didn't simp for any of them and I still don't.

So I knew the storyline and I knew that they died at some point so during that whole 1995 flashback I was trying to figure out how they were going to die. At first I thought maybe there would be like a problem with their gig  equipment. Then they went out into the alley and Alex spilled pickle juice on the battery cables and I thought for sure like they'd accidentally use the battery cables and they'd explode or something, then they ended up dying from eating hotdogs....

Carrie was the first character that I truly fell in love with cause She's literally Sharpay. 

Yes I loved Carrie, but I did want to slap her in the face when she said "iS thIs wHeRe wE cLaP" like girl shush. But like, why didn't the teacher say anything to Carrie?? If I were the teacher, Carrie would have detention already. 

When Julie went down to clean out the studio, I like freaked out cause I wish I had a music studio like that. I was a little jelly ngl. 

Am I the only one that didn't like her slippers? 

Ok I feel like their initial reactions to seeing each other (when the guys poof in) was really good. But when Julie continued screaming while running up the stairs in her house, I thought that was a bit much. 

Texting 101: don't text 911 to someone unless you need the police or an ambulance 😂😂

"We're all a little crazy" made me smile cause it's so true. 

The guys seemed strangely unsurprised when Julie pulled out a modern day cellphone. 


I almost cried seeing how they set out a plate for Julie's mom still. 

Reginald is the second character I truly fell in love with because of his line "we should have called first" I know it's not that funny but the way he said it then proceeded to push Alex and Luke out really made me realize that I would be falling hard for this guy. Not falling for Jeremy, although he's amazing, but falling for Reggie.

I wish my siblings tried to help me the way Carlos tried to help Julie *sigh*

I gotta say, throughout like all of episode one, I kept thinking to myself "I swear there were four guys in the first scene. How come there's only three now?" Clearly I didn't pay attention enough in the first scene. I didn't even catch that Bobby didn't go and eat hotdogs with them. 

Luke's monologue with Julie outside of the studio is really one of Charlie's best moments. I almost cried the first time watching it. 

✨"I just really like showers...and sometimes the occasional bath"✨

I'm being 100% honest when I say this. The first time I watched this, when Julie walks away and Luke turns around and watches her I said out loud to myself "someones falling". I've never been more proud of myself for predicting a ship. Although this one was pretty easy to predict lol. 

You know how Alex runs into Caleb in the first episode? Yup that's another thing I didn't catch the first time around. I'm so bad at paying attention during shows. 

Wake Up made me cry cause madi has the voice of an angel (I cry very easily at shows/movies if you haven't noticed).

Well this has been First Impressions with Anna! Episode 2 will be next but I might do other stuff before that, unless you guys want it first. Let me know. 

Thanks for reading! It means a lot to me!

-Anna <3

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