A rant for reggie

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I just really want to give a rant about how much I love reginald peters. 

Reggie is the kind of guy that I KNOW id be besties with irl. Like we'd vibe so well together with our stupidity and cluelessness. Then again we'd probably die if we hung out alone because we'd do something stupid without thinking. 

I love how reggie just has the best lines. For example "I just really like showers....and sometimes the occasional bath" and "it feels like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain" (<-my personal favorite) and "chill man, streetdogs haven't killed us.....YET" and "you guys ✨oOzE✨Chemistry" and "I got ghostbumps" and "your dad seems like the kinda guy who likes to barbecue, oh I bet he has a great ribs recipe" and "*gasp* like butterflies and glitter" and "I-I-I-I-I I wish I had a puppy! A hampster? Some pizza?!" And "the gift of dipping.. it's like we're the same person!" and "you're welcome" <- saved their (after)lives, and of course the iconic "TELL YOUR FRIENDS" and so many more but these are just off the top of my head. 

Reggie is the friend that will always be there for you no matter what. He never wants to fight or cause problems, he just wants to be friends and be happy and have fun. And he's just a precious lil bean. He didn't deserve parents that fought all the time. He deserved the perfect family and the perfect life with perfect friends and perfect grades and perfect everything because he's the best.

I know reggie acts like a flirt and a player, but I think he'd actually be such a sweet and loyal boyfriend. Like, drive to the store just to find your favorite candy while you're on your period, kinda boyfriend. Like, you're feeling sick so he cancels all his plans to cuddle and watch hsm, kinda boyfriend. Like, every date out or date in is just as special as the first, kinda boyfriend. Like, calls you beautiful every chance he can get to make sure you never forget it, kinda boyfriend. Just perfect boyfriend material. (Not me simping for a fictional character *the Debby Ryan face*)

Now for the looks. His fashion, *chefs kiss*. The perfect thing about his fashion, is that he often wears jackets. Jackets are perfect when you're a boyfriend because your girl can easily steal them. Man if I was Reggie's girlfriend, he'd have no leather jackets or flannels. AND THE HAIR OH MY GOSH. I love Reggie's hair. Like, to run my fingers through those beautiful locks..... and then there's his cute smile. I die everytime I see him smile ngl. 

I literally cry so freaking hard everytime fanfics get into Reggie's past. Like, to see reggie so hurt and sad about his parents IS HEART BREAKING LIKE I CANT. and then seeing rayggie in fanfiction. Ugh I love it so much. Like ray and Reggie is the best duo, fight me. I really hope we can get more rayggie interactions in the future season(s).

The last thing I want to talk about is the butterflies. Now, I know it's not cannon, YET, but Reggie and his love of butterflies is literally everything. ( credit to MariAriza01 ) like, I'm obsessed with butterflies, and Reggie's obsessed with butterflies. It's a match made in heaven. But seriously tho, thinking about Reggie collecting butterflies makes me want to die of happiness. IT SO PRECIOUS. 

With that being said, if anyone chooses to hurt my lil bean Reginald in their books, I'm coming after you. You've been warned. 

Thank you for listening to my rant about Reginald Peters, aka the love of my life.

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