Part 27

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I knock on the door and wait. The door opens quickly and I see Matt with a big smile.

"Hello gorgeous."he says.

"Matt."I huff.

"Awe, seems like you very much don't want to be here."he says with a fake pout.

"Can we just hurry and move this along?"I chuckle.

"What's the matter? You don't think I'm cute.anymore?"he says before walking into his house.

I follow behind him, kicking the door closed. The house was grand. Expensive. Show offy.

"You live alone here? I thought wolves moved in packs."I say.

"I don't live alone."he says.

"Then where is everybody-"I stop dead in my tracks, seeing 4, not 2, not 3, but 4, itty bitty little wolf puppies romping about in a puppy pin.

I wheeze, trying to resist the urge to pet them.

"A-are they werewolves?"I ask quietly.

"Yep. Just having a little change practice aren't we boys? And girl?"

The puppy's yelp, excitingly wagging their tails and bouncing towards me.

"Sapphire what's you to pick her up."he translates the puppy helps.

"I thought they'd never ask!"I say excitedly, picking the female pup up.

Her beautiful blue eyes look at me excitedly.

"Awe! She's so cute! Can I keep her?!"I beg.

"She's not an actual wolf, you know."he says.

"But I want."I pout.

"Kiddies, we've got somewhere to be, you have to change back now."Matt says.

The puppies all whine and pout.

"Come on now."he says, putting his hands on his hips.

Slowly, the puppies become more and more human like, till they stood as naked little boys, couldn't be more than 4. They all had silver grey hair and beautiful eyes.

Sapphire slowly starts to shift in my arms and I watch in awe.

"Sapphire is the runt. Grey wolves they are."he smiles as I place Sapphire back down in the pin.

They all begin to laugh, and wrestle with each other.

"Hey! Go find mum and dad they're out back."he demands.

The kids jump the gate and run off down the hall, laughing.

"Aren't you going to dress them?"I ask.

"Nah. They run around naked till they're at least 8."he huffs.

"Come in then."


Ronnie's pov

"Why can't we get closer?"I ask, watching Sam and Matt leave his house.

"If we get any closer he'll smell us Ron."Jord says.

"And by us he means you."Shawn says.

"This is bullshit. I would've gotten over the sickness. "I say.

Yeah after you starved and turned to stone or after you dry up like a turd on the sidewalk in Savannah?"Jord asks.

"Maybe she agreed because she thinks he's hot."Shawn shrugs.

The rest of us glare at him.

"What? Your telling me when you saw him you didn't want him to rearrange your guts?"he asks, looking at Stephen.

"I hope you get aids."Stephen says.

"I'm immune to all disease just as you are Stephen. And besides if I was getting aids from anyone it would be you."he says.

"Can you guys just have sex already?! What the hell is the point of bickering when all you literally need to do is fuck and make up."Grayson says.

"Maybe if Shawn wasn't such a slut. "Stephen says.

"I like sex, what do you want me to do marry you for Christ sake?"Shawn says.

"Two hundred and twenty something years old and still just a horny teenager."Jord huffs.

"Dude your like a thousand when's the last time you had sex?"Stephen asks.

"Yesterday."Jord admits.

"For fuck sake."the twins say simultaneously.

"Children."I huff.

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