Part 35

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Ronnies pov

"This is ridiculous. She's almost an hour late." I say, looking at my watch.

"I should go check on Ethan."Grayson says, standing up.

"Leave him. He's resting."Jord says, pressing his hand to Grayson's chest.

Suddenly we all hear the rev of an engine and turn our heads to the entrance of the school parking lot. A bright red motorcycle whips into the parking lot, 2 people on. It drifts into a parking space and comes to a stop. Loud music blasts from the speakers as the smaller person gets off the bike.

The driver turns off the bike and gets off as well.

"No fucking way that's him."Shawn says.

We watch the driver pull his helmet off, and sure enough it was him. The boogeyman. And then the smaller one. Sam.

"Oh no. What's he told her."I huff.

They link arms and then begin walking towards the entrance. They approach us and stop.

"Gentlemen. You're in our way."He says with an innocent like smile.

"You sick son of a bitch. What did you d-"i attempt to grab his jacket but Sam grips my arm.

She twists my arm and then bends it against my back, breaking it and causing me to shout before she throws me to the ground.

"Oh, poor lad. I wouldn't do that. Sam and I aren't going to cause much trouble. We and our new friends aren't going to cause your little family any torment."He smiles.

"New friends?"Jord asks.

"Sorry were late."A familiar voice says as I stand up.

"What the fuck."All of us say simultaneously as my father walks up the school steps, along with Thomas, who had a new, beautiful set of red eyes. Matt Rife, the werewolf. And none other than Ethan fucking Dolan.

"What's this? What is this?!"Ethan asks.

"What? Your group has a hybrid, why can't ours?"Johnny smiles.

"Hybrid?"Jord questions.

I couldn't stop looking at my father. Out of prison. Smirking at me.

"Yeah, this lucky little soldier here turned him by accident."Johnny says.

Jord flicks my ear, getting my attention. I look at him.

"What?"I question.

"Idiot."Shawn says slapping me in the head.

"If you'll excuse us. We're already late."Johnny says.

Suddenly we're forced apart, as if something were wedging between us. Johnny chuckles as they walk past. I see a red glint in Sam's eyes as she walks past. My father pushes me, and chuckles as he walks away.

"That's not Sam. Sam would never do that."I say rubbing my arm.

"Just leave it."Jord demands.

"She's in some sort hex, if i can get to her maybe i can-"

"ENOUGH, RONNIE"Jord shouts.


"Why are you so against me! What happened to you?!"I ask.

He stays silent.

"He got to you guys didn't he. What did he say?"I ask.

"He told us he was going to take us away to join his army. Me, Gray and Eth, Shawn too. Leave you guys."Stephen says.

"So he threatened to take everyone away. And he didn't. For what."i say.

They stay silent.

"FOR WHAT?!"i scream.

"For Sam, Ron."Shawn huffs.

"Monsters. All of you."I huff as i walk away.

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