Chapter One - Homebound

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Pulling up to her family home, Charlie put her car in park and slumped into her seat. Staring at the white garage door, Charlie couldn't help but smile as she noted the dirt and stains that still painted its surface. Her father had said for years that he'd get around to properly cleaning it - or maybe even getting a new one all together.

Charlie's eyes stung with the threat of tears as she turned off her ignition, looking away from the garage and toward the front door of the house, noticing a "Room For Rent" sign in the yard. She sighed, having guessed as much. With her father gone and both her and her brother having moved out, Charlie wasn't surprised that her mother would try to rent out any spare rooms.

Dabbing the corners of her eyes, Charlie took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts before she got out of the car, grabbing her luggage - a suitcase and a couple of duffel bags , from the trunk.

"Charlie!" Charlie's mother squealed when she opened the door to greet her baby girl. Her arms wrapped around her to squeeze before pulling back so that she could cover her face in an ambush of kisses. Charlie giggled at the ticklish assault, trying to crane her neck away.

"Enough," Charlie playfully whined as her mother's kisses stopped with one last one to the forehead.

"Look how beautiful you are," she gushed, cupping Charlie's cheeks through her childish laughter. "And full!" she teased, reaching down and giving Charlie's chest a quick and playfully squeeze, making her flinch away with a wailing laugh.

"Mom!" Charlie screeched, covering her chest with one arm, her other hands still holding the handle to her luggage as her mother turned around to lead her into the house, closing the door behind them.

"If you didn't like my cooking, you could have just told me," her mother jabbed, hands on her hips. "I have thick skin, you know."

"If only it were that simple. I changed my birth control last year and have been gaining ever since," Charlie groaned with a shake of her head as she slid her suitcase to the side. Turning slightly to showcase her rear, she gave a little shrug. "I think it's been going to some much needed places, though, eh?" she snickered, arching a brow and making her mother snort.

"I'll say. I never thought I'd see the day where you'd be giving me a run for my money," she grinned, stepping closer and giving her a playful hip bump, making them both laugh. With a sigh, her mother gave a grim smile, turning to pull Charlie into a tight embrace. "I wish he could see how beautiful you're becoming," she said, holding back tears. "You're his spitting image."

Charlie could see from the redness in her eyes that she had been crying on and off. Her eyes were somewhat sunken, and despite her claiming to have thick skin, it looked a bit pale, now decorated with dark circles and a few more wrinkles than Charlie had remembered.

It had been only a week since Charlie's father had died of a sudden heart attack. And upon finding out, and hearing what state her mother was in over the phone, Charlie had decided not to just come home for the funeral, but to move back in until she was sure her mother would be okay.

Pulling out of the hug after a few moments, Charlie offered her mother a weak nod and a faulty smile, finding herself fighting back her own tears. "I'm pretty sure he'd take offense to that," she halfheartedly laughed, making her mother do the same as she playfully swatted her shoulder, her other hand wiping away premature tears before finding her hip.

"God, you're probably right, haha."

"Is Jonas here yet?" Charlie asked, glancing around the living room warily in search of her older brother, following her mother as she headed towards the stairs.

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