👻You Need To Explain To Pass This Level👻

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We all were sitting down on the common room couch.

They were all still pestering me about my bruises on my face though Natasha didn't, she sort of just stared at me when suddenly an Iris Message pops up.

Percy Jackson would like to Iris Message with Lexi Kane

I dig out a drachma from my pocket, completely ignoring the questions asked by the Avengers, and say as I throw the drachma in.

"I accept."

Percy's face appeared in the mist and I stood up

"What's going on?"

"Rachel has issued a prophecy."

"What?" I yell.

"What is the prophecy?" I asked once I calmed down.

"Demigods,Magicians,Norse and mortals will fight.

3 dangers in one night.

One will be a Titan of time."

I gasp here because we have fought Kronos before and lost a lot of good Demigods.

"One will be the Goddess of night.

One will be the God of games.

Demigods of the Big three.

Will be the ones the lead thee.

War against these.

In three days.

At Camp Half Blood.

they will raze."

"Umm. Titan of time is probably Kronos," I say.

"Yeah we guessed that one," Percy said. "Anyways we need you at camp."

"About that.....the tower is on lockdown because the Avengers wanted to know about the bruises on my face."

Percy sighed.

"How long on lockdown?"

I turned to Tony, "3 days," he mumbles.

"3 days!" I scream.

"The war will start in 3 days, just be ready for the next Iris Message while we contact the others.

By the way,the Seven say, "hi!" Also can you make war plans, it will happen at Camp Half Blood" Percy said.

"Ok Percy, tell everyone there,I say "hi!" and I will make the plans." I replied.

"Bye!" I said as I slashed through the message.

"What. was. that." Sam said, confused.

"An Iris Message," I say as I walk over to the paper machine.

"Can you explain more?"

I think about the lines of the prophecy. Mortals... it must mean the Avengers!

I made a note of the discovery on my paper.

I turned to the Avengers and started to explain.

"Ok so Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian gods exist." I deadpan.

"Wait what!" Clint said.

"I am the daughter of Zeus, I was a Valkyrie and I am a magician that holds the powers of the Goddess Nut and I have fought in four wars,about to be five. My half siblings Thalia and Jason also have fought in wars and my other half siblings Sadie and Carter have fought in a war too."

"You?" Tony snorts.

"Yes, Pig face me! Anyways, Gods come down and have kids with Mortals. The kids are called Demigods. Monsters hunt Demigods because of our scent. The stronger the demigod ,the stronger the scent. Recently there have been two wars,one with the Titan of time, Kronos, and the Goddess of Earth called Gea. We fought and won both wars."

"Oh how old are the people that fight and how long ago was this?" Natasha asked.

"Oh it was about five years ago. I am 18 now so I was 13 then, I was some of the younger ones fighting."

"One of the younger ones?" Scott asked.

"Yup! The youngest was about 10 years old,''I replied.

They all look at me with horror and Natasha said.

"Ok go on."

I took a deep breath and began again.

"Magicians are people who are related to the old egyptians so they can cast spells with staffs and wands. They host the powers of the gods. There has been a war lately with the Chaos Serpent and they won. My siblings Sadie and Carter were the main fighters and Sadie was about 14 and Carter was 16."

I stopped to allow for questions but no one had any so I continued with the Norse people.

"People who die bravely go to Valhalla in the Norse mythology and train for the final battle, Ragnarok. They can't die in Valhalla but in other places they can. Recently Loki tried to start Ragnarok early, but Magnus Chase, dead 16 year old, and his friends stopped him."

"Dead 16 year old?" Tony asked.

"Yup! He died by a fire giant," I said cheerfully.

Tony blinked as if he was trying to get sand out of his eyes.

"Kids fight in wars..." Steve said.

"Yes and now you are!!" I said. "all of you!"

"What!!" Tony said.

"Yup in 3 days!" I said.

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