⚔Battle Time...Whoop...Whoop...⚔

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3 days later


After 3 days of explaining, planning and getting pestered by the Avengers, the tower unlocked and I jetted to camp with the Avengers following me.

When we got there it was chaotic, people fighting monsters and dead soldiers on the ground. I ran to my cadin and grabbed my sword.

I go out to fight.

I saw Nico and Hazel take down the Goddess of night easily.

I saw Percy kill Kronos, it was an awesome fight.

Me,Thalia and Jason locked eyes,we knew we had to face the God of games or Ares.

We walked up and saw him.

"For Olympus!!!" Me,Jason and Thalia yell as we charge.

"Lexi stop!" Tony yells apparently still thinking I was weak.

As we fought it was a whirlwind of well, lighting and wind.

Ares moved his sword around so fast that it was a blur, thankfully Thalia and Jason and me were just as good as him. I see everyone around us watching in a circle ready to push Ares back into the fight if they have too.

Ares brings down his sword on Jason's head. I use my wind to stop it so he goes to stab my chest and connects.

I hear gasps all around as I fall to the ground ,fighting to stay awake.

I see that Thalia is on her knees so I grab my sword and stab it into his knee cap.

He howls in pain and Jason gives the killing blow.

I black out, unable to keep my eyes open any longer.


I woke up to see my chest wrapped up and the Avengers and my siblings around my bed,I sat up and grabbed a glass of nectar next to my bed and I chugged it, it tasted like Percy's Mom's blue chocolate chip cookies.

Tony noticed me first "Oh my god! We thought you were going to die"

I wave my hand around in a dismissive motion.

"Ehh I have had worse."

They all stare at me in horror.

Steve says, "Don't you have something to share, Tony!"

"Oh yeah Camp Half Blood is saved, I donated a lot of money to help it and now no one can buy it." He stated looking bored.

Tears came to my eyes as I say,

" In that case, I quit."

The end

Again I do not own any of Marvel or Rick Riordan's work.I only own the plot and Lexi! Thanks for reading 

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