Slumber Party! Pt.1

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Today's outfit!

Roxanna's POV: I've been out all day shopping and getting supplies for tonight! I'm gonna invite Cat for a slumber party with me! I'm gonna surprised her after school when I go pick Tori up! I'm wearing a tight short black skirt with my favourite ...

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Roxanna's POV:
I've been out all day shopping and getting supplies for tonight! I'm gonna invite Cat for a slumber party with me! I'm gonna surprised her after school when I go pick Tori up! I'm wearing a tight short black skirt with my favourite red top. I'll admit I look sexy. I added accessories and grabbed a bag to put my phone and keys in. My feet ached from walking all day so I wasn't about to put heals on. I grabbed my flat mid thigh boots, so I'm really small today, like 2 inches taller than cat. Checking the time and seeing I've got just over half an hour till their school finishes and it only take 5mins to get there, I decided to text Tori seeing if her and everyone wanted any food or drinks bringing when I came to get her and Cat. Her text came through and I saw a list of orders so I go out and grab everyone's request. I text Tori to tell her I'll be there in a minute. I have my roof on my car down and guns and roses pelting out the radio, I'm tapping along on the wheel and singing. When I approached the school parking lot I stop singing and turn down the music the slightest bit. I'm getting a load of weird looks, some staring at my car some staring at me. I tell Tori I'm here, she says she just waiting for Andre to stop making out with his new girlfriend. Well that's new. Anyway I get out my car and flaunt my outfit I get a few stares and whistles from creeps but I ignore them all. I put my sunglasses on my head to keep my hair out of my face. I heard Cat then saw everyone walking behind her as she ran and hugged me whilst laughing.
Becks POV:
We just finished class and Tori mentioned Rox was picking her and Cat up today and she's text to see if any of us wanted anything while she was out. We all asked for some kind of food or drink. Gosh we're so awkward. Jade came over and I put my arm around her and she leaned up kissing me. We pulled away when we heard cat screaming and giggling.
"AHHH, IM HAVING A SLUMBER PARTY WITH ROX TONIGHT!" She giggled and ran off. I just smiled but then realised I didn't even know what a slumber party was. I turn to Tori with a questioning look so she starts explaining.
"Rox invited her over for the night and they're calling it a slumber party."
"What's a slumber party?" Andre voiced my thoughts
"It's when girls do face masks and watch movies while talking about boys and who they like. They usually wear slutty pyjamas and dance till early in the morning." Robbie started answering but when we all gave him questioning looks he trails off. " ...uh, you know I think, I don't actually know."
"Rightttt. Robbies right that's basically what they're doing." Tori clarified and started texting who I presume was Rox.
"Why wasn't I invited?" Jade somewhat bored asked
"You and Rox hardly talk" Tori's right, they hardly do talk. After that Tori explained that Rox is here and now we're just waiting for Andre to stop eating his girlfriend. Cat came running and giggling up to us. I see she's very excited for this party.
"Hey can we all go" I suggested and they all looked confused "to the slumber thing?" I carried on and when their faces showed realisation Tori answered
"Uh sure why not, come later tonight give Rox and cat some time then come by" sound good to me.
We make our way outside and I hear whistles, we all look at each other than notice Rox leaning on her car in a short black skirt and sexy red top. Her hairs out of her face and the sun hits her skin perfectly. She's not wearing heals today so she's smaller than usual, just above Cats height. It makes her more attractive and it shows a different side to her, the goofy small kid side.
Cat runs ahead and as soon as Rox looks up she engulfed in a massive hug. I have my arm around jade still. We make our way up to the car and Rox points to her back seat where a ton amount of food and drinks lay. I can't actually believe she got all this.
Roxanna's POV:
After releasing my hug with cat I noticed becks arm around jade and it made a pain in my chest I couldn't describe. I pointed to my back seat where all the goodies laid and watched as they all took what they ordered. I couldn't hold in my laugh. Me and cat stood talking when I remembered I got her a bag of different candy. When I gave her it she screamed and hugged me again. She's too pure. I saw Beck smiling at us and I couldn't help but notice the sun hitting his eyes and I got lost in them. I was pulled back to reality when cat asks:
"Everyone else wants to come tonight, can they, it'll be just us two for a few hours and they'll come later, we can have ice cream!" She looked so excited I couldn't say no.
"Of cause, come whenever you guys want." I turned and looked at them all with a wide smile. I was really small today so everyone but cat was looking down at me it felt kinda nerve-racking. Then I caught the attention of Beck and the nerves faded. He was so much taller than me, even with heals on but I liked it.
Soon after everyone finished what I got them we all went our separate ways to our cars. Cat jumped in the back of mine and Tori hopped in the passenger seat. I jumped back in and started up the engine. Tori turned the radio on and the killers started blaring out. We all knew the song so we started singing along and dancing. I reversed out the car park and saw jade and Beck looking at us. Jade had her fingers in her ears while Beck just laughed. When I drove by them I winked and sped off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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