The planning part 1

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Shoto's POV:

After class I go to Midoryia and told him why I came in late, then I told him what I told my parents, ¨I want quinceañera..¨ He looks at me and says, ¨why do you want a quinceañera?¨ Then i told him, ¨Well because ever since Uraraka had hers I really want one..¨ I smile at him. ¨Todoroki.. if you do have a quinceañera.. may a be your main chambalan?¨ he blushes, I look at him and say, ¨You sure?¨ He then nods while blushing, I nodded and say, ¨Yeah sure¨ I smiled at him and walked to the cafeteria with him.

~After school~

Rei's POV:

Enji and I were thinking about giving our son a quinceañera. I was so confused why he wanted one, but I just shruged it off. I was cooking for dinner. My older son, Touya, was bringing his boyfriend over. Enji was helping me cook, as i was making dinner with Enji, I heard the front door open.

Endeavors POV:

I heard the door open, Rei and I looked to see who it was, we both saw Shoto. ¨Hey sweetie, how was school today?¨ ¨It ws good mom.¨ He replied. ¨So.. have you guys thought about celebrting my quinceañera?¨ He asked. I looked at Rei, ¨Yes we have actually..¨ He looks at both of us. ¨Yes, you may have a quinceañera. But we want to discuss it with the rest.. ok?¨ I said. Shoto nodded, we upstairs and to his room. I smiled at my wife and kissed her head.

Shotos POV:

I go up my room and squeal of happiness.  I CAN'T BELEIVE MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO MAKE ME A QUINCEAÑERA!  I say that in my head. I was happy! Finally.. I can have a quinceañera.. l lay down on my bed smiling.

~1 hour later~

(Stills Shotos POV:)

I wake up from my nap and hear two voices.. two familiar voices.. I get up and go to the kitchen and see, my brother Touya and.. Hawks? I was confused.. why was the number two hero, Hawks, here? I look at Touya and hawks and see that they were both holding.. HANDS?! Were.. they.. dating..? ¨Uhh...¨ My mother looked at me, ¨Shoto! Meet your brothers boyfriend! Hawks!¨ She smiles at me. ¨Touya is dating Hawks..?¨ she nodded. I looked at Touya and Hawks, ¨Congrads!¨ I smiled at them and took a seat. ¨So..¨ my mom starts, ¨Your brother wants a quinceañera, and we're planning on making him one." I looked at my siblings and Hawks hopping that they would accept it and that I could have one. My siblings and Hawks nodded and said yes. I was SO happy that I jumped up and down in joy, I hugged them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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