Night Lights' Midnight Adventure

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When he had gone to live in the Hidden World with the light fury, Toothless thought his adventures were over. But that changed when he became a father. His three children were extremely adventurous and loved to explore. They also loved their father's stories about his life outside the Hidden World and his time in Berk and at Dragon's Edge; they were some the night lights' favorite stories.


"Tell us the story again, Dad," Blizzard said.

"The one about how you met, Hiccup," said Coal.

Cloudjumper laughed.

"You three have heard that story almost as much as you have the one about how I met Valka," he said.

"But Uncle Cloudjumper, it's one of our favorites," Midnight said.

"Alright," Toothless said. "I was just fifteen and on a night ride with the other dragons from my nest stealing food to take home."

"Because, if you didn't, the queen of the nest would eat you," Coal said.

"That's right, Coal, but don't interrupt. The other dragons liked when I came because I'm fast and never miss my target. But that night, something happened. I was shot down and crashed in the woods. I was scared and hurt and alone. That's when I met my best friend...though, at the time, I didn't know it. It was a Viking; young, about my age and he looked as scared as I was."

The night lights looked on excited. This was their favorite part of the story and Toothless knew it. It was also his favorite part.

"He cut me loose and slowly we became friends. Five years later, he became the chief of his village and I became the alpha dragon. Years later, I met your mother and came to live here."

"The last part's my favorite," Midnight said. "It's really romantic."

"It's mushy stuff," Coal said.

"Leave it to a girl to think something mushy is romantic," Blizzard said.

"Now boys," their mother said coming up to them. "Leave your sister be."

"Yes, Mama," Coal and Blizzard said together.

"Dad," Coal said, "can we meet your Viking friend?"

"I don't think so, Coal," Toothless said. "He lives outside the Hidden World and it's not safe out there for dragons."

"But...," Blizzard started.

"No 'buts'. Don't leave the Hidden World. You know that the most important rule."

"We know, Daddy," Midnight said.

"Daddy's girl," said Blizzard.

"Trouble maker," Midnight retorted.

Blizzard growled and jumped on her.

"That's enough!" Toothless said as he and his mate pulled their children apart. "Blizzard, what have I told you and Coal?"

"A true alpha doesn't attack a girl..." Blizzard threw a look at his sister "...even if she's asking for it."

"Come on, Blizzard," Coal said. "Let's go play."

"Wait for me," Midnight said chasing after her brothers.

"She's got your spunk," Toothless said to his mate.

"And the boys are as stubborn as you."

"That, Angel, comes from living among Vikings for over five years. They have...stubborn issues."


They boys wrestled with each other, growling playfully. Both were determined to become as strong as their father when they grew up. So they play fought everyday hoping to learn the skills that would make one of them Alpha.

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