Diagon Alley

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I jump up in a cold sweat looking around to find the startling noise, I looked around and finally saw B/N.

"Bloody hell B/N, You've gotta stop doing that," I say as I get up from my bed. He laughed as I escorted him from the room with one hand. Even if he is only 8, he's a bloody handful. As I'm about to close the door on his face he says, "Happy Birthday, by the way, mum's making breakfast." and then walks out.

How could I forget? It's My 11th Birthday! I quickly got changed into some tracksuit bottoms and a T-Shirt. I looked it the mirror to see my messy H/C coloured hair, scruffed it up a bit and walked out. 

"Happy Birthday Y/N!" My mum said, "Your dad should be home from the ministry any moment so we'll have breakfast then." I sit down by the table to get ready for breakfast. "Oh, also," She says to get my attention, "S/N is coming down from Caerphilly to see you, she should be here around 12." I nod to show my understanding. My sister is the star child in the family, she left school last year and is a chaser for the Caerphilly Catapults. I loved Quidditch so my older sister being a chaser for one of the best teams in the league. It shouldn't take her that long to get here, we live near the outskirts of Bristol.

Just then I hear the settling of dust hit the floor, and I realise dad is home. "Alright Dad?" I ask, "How was work?" 

"It was alright," he said, "only 6 raids so nothing to lose sleep over." He comes over and sits at the table and the four of us tuck in.

I finish my Bacon and look out the window and see the family owl, Bertie. It then drops a large stack of letters that mum picks up. "Alright, One for Me, Two for you F/N, and last but not least one for you Y/N." She said. I looked up shocked then looked at the letter, then it all made sense, it was a Hogwarts letter. 

"Get in!" I quietly whispered under my breath.  Dad looked at the clock and said "Right, its 8 O'Clock so we'll head to Diagon Alley in half an hour to get your stuff, Should give us about 3 hours to get back before S/N gets here."

Time eventually passed by and we were standing by the chimney.

"Alright, F/N, You first," Mum said.

"Diagon Alley!" Dad shouted as he threw down his floo powder, leaving a green flame where he stood.

"Right, B/N, You go now, remember to say it clearly." Mum Says, "And don't sneeze." I say, remembering the story she told me about her friend ending up in Argentina.

"Diagon Alley!" He said thankfully, as annoying as he is, I couldn't bear to see him get hurt.

"Right, Y/N, You're up, Remember, Clearly and-" 

"Diagon Alley!" I say before she can finish, and teleport through the chimney.

As soon as I arrived in Diagon Alley, Mum arrived behind me.

"Right, we'll go to Gringotts first, then we'll go get your cauldron while you fit your robes," Mum says, always planning ahead for everything. 

We headed to Gringotts, went into mum and dad's vault, which confused me, I don't know why they didn't take the money from my vault.

"Let's see here," Dad muttered, "Roughly, 50 Galleons should do, you can get yourself a birthday present with the spare money too," he said as he patted me on the back. After we left Gringotts, I walked towards Madam Malkin's shop to get my robes fitted. Me and another girl were having our robes fitted at the same time, the way she was looking at the measuring tapes I could tell she was a muggle-born, which I didn't really mind. Among Purebloods there was a lot of elitism towards muggle-borns which honestly I didn't see. We started talking about Hogwarts, and she brought up her name was Hermione, to which I said mine was Y/N, she seemed really nice so I hoped I would be able to see her at Hogwarts. I went to Flourish and Blotts next to get all my school books, which I managed to get, plus a few more that interested me. I really like reading, because other than Quidditch and that, I didn't really have all that much to do at home. Next up was the best part of the trip, getting my wand.

I walked into Ollivanders shop and said hello, I had met him before when I was 4 when S/N was here getting her wand. He used to scare me back then but not really anymore, he was kinda weird but that doesn't matter. "Hello, Mr. L/N," He said as he approached the counter. "Let's see what wand fits you." He then reached for a box which I tried, I knew what happened when you find the right wand and this wasn't it. "No, I don't think that's the one he mutters." as he picks up another, this continues until he picks up one, 5 wands later, that gives me the feeling it was for me. It was Pear Wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 3/4 inches. I walk out of the shop feeling delighted and see Dad's tall frame among the crowd of people near Magical Menagerie, most first-years wanting a pet. 

I'm not really that interested in a pet, although I think I might get an owl, it'll be useful with the post, and they're not as high maintenance as cats or toads. Dad being 6'4 was easy to see so I found him outside the shop, and it was clear he had beat me to it, as holding in his hand was a brown and white barn owl. I instantly fell in love with the thing. I checked my list, looked around, and found out I wasn't missing anything, so we Floo powdered home, to see Mum and B/N already there, turns out, me and Dad were quite late, and S/N was already there, with my last present of the day.

She held it behind her back, "I know you're not allowed it at Hogwarts, but if you wanna be as good as your big sister, you're gonna need some practice in the garden." and she presents me a broom in a covering. I open it and my eyes glisten in glee.

It was a Nimbus 2000

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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