𝓑𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓹 ❦ Has Your Grumpiness Gone?

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After you walk into the Inn back in Markarth the young wenches swarm Bishop. It irritates you a little, but you feel better when he brushes them off and follows after you.

"Where do you think you're going, Ranger?" You chuckle blocking his way through your room's door.

"I think I'm getting in your bed." He smirks dodging your arm.

"Bishop, I never agreed to anything." You huff.

"I didn't say we had to do anything." He says with a wink that sends a shiver down your spine.

You close the door and lock it just in case something happened.

"Saw that Ladyship." He snorts.

"I've no idea what you're talking about." You lie walking over to your bed.

Bishop walks over to you and starts shucking his clothes. "You ready Ladyship?"

"No! You stink! Go take a bath, good gravy you smell like death." You gag as you smell his stench.

"You don't exactly smell like flowers yourself Ladyship." Bishop rolls his eyes at you.

"I don't care! I'll take a bath before you, don't you dare get on my bed." You cough grabbing your flower oils and running out of the room. "Goodness gracious. Does he ever wash? Hi, I'd like a bath please."

"Sure thing doll, there's a wash in the back room over there. Hasn't been used yet, just reheat it when you get done if you can. Magic or not, I don't care." The bartender points to the back room.

"Thank you kindly." You smile setting the gold down on the counter.

As you make your way to the back room you notice the young wenches glaring at you. You smile and blow them a kiss and wave. They scoff and start to talk amongst themselves. You know they're talking about you, but you don't care. Not everyone will like you in life. You move the dressing blind in front of the door so if anyone was to come in after you, you'd know. After which you start to undress. Once bare you slip into the water, sighing at the soothing warmth. You sigh knowing you can't stay here forever and grab your flower oils. You first uncork the thistle oil, and scrub the bubbly liquid into your scalp. After satisfied you lathered every inch of your scalp, you rinse it out and grab your blue mountain flower oil and scrub it into the tips and middle of your hair. You let it soak your hair as you grab your snowberry soap oil. You take the oil and start with the hard-to-reach places of your body, then the stinkier areas, then just about everywhere else besides your ass and womanhood. You always save those for last so you wouldn't reuse the soap. After you wash the soap off you rinse the oil out of your hair. You take a small dagger - used for cutting and not as a weapon - and carefully shave your pits, legs, and bush. Once completely satisfied that you are clean as can be you stand up and grab your towel. You wrap it around your torso as you look for your clothes. They were right by your oils you swear. That's when you notice the shadows. Had you been so careless as to not pay attention? Damn it! That's what I get for letting my guard down.

"Well, if it isn't the most beautiful noble lady." A gruff voice said. It sounds familiar.

"Save it, Nathaniel, she's just a bitch." A squeaky voice says angrily.

"You're just upset that ruffian didn't want you when he came back with her, Sylvian." Another familiar voice insulted.

"Which one of you has my clothes?" You ask turning around to face the group of people.

It was Noah, Tyler, and Nathaniel. And the wenches that were throwing themselves at Bishop.

"And ladies I hate to burst your bubble but you don't want to give yourselves to that man. He smells of death." You laugh.

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