𝔐𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔯𝔢𝔶 𝔵 𝔉𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔩𝔢 𝔇𝔅 𝔫𝔢𝔴𝔟𝔦𝔢

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Tis a smut chapter for Mercer! Get your teacups ready y'all, this is gonna be one heck of a ride!

You make your way sneakily through the Ratway, slitting the throats of those who stand in the way between you and your goal. The Thieves Guild. When you slip into the Ragged Flagon you hear the sound of a low conversation. You slip your way to the bar behind the person who recruited you. Brynjolf.

"She's just different. I don't know how to explain it." Brynjolf grumbles to the bartender.

"Maybe she is but you can't go out and waste the guild's resources. We're low on gold as is, we don't need another mouth to feed." The bartender cleans the tankards.

As they discuss you and your' potential', you swipe all of their gold purses and make your way to a support beam not too far away.

"Hell yeah, I'm different." You project, sitting like Astrid on the beam.

They turn to you and Brynjolf's eyes light up.

"See there's the lass." He chuckled.

"Yes and she hasn't even proved herself," Delvin grumbles.

"Is that so?" You smirk catching their attention. "If you three would kindly check your pockets."

They pat their pockets noticing their lack of gold.

"Are you looking for these boys?" You laugh, holding up their gold purses.

"Well done lass! Now let's go meet Mercer." Brynjolf said walking away.

"Can we have our gold back please?" The bartender asks.

"Perhaps later. Or perhaps you may not. Who knows." You chuckle following closely after Brynjolf.

You saunter into the cistern after Brynjolf and someone catches your eye. A man standing in the middle. Mercer. Even with the frown, he has plastered on his face he's the most beautiful man you've ever seen. You quickly regain your composure when he glances at you. You follow closely behind Brynjolf until they start to discuss you.

"This better not be another waist of the guild's resources Brynjolf." Mercer scoffs as he sizes you up.

"Believe me, Mercer, the lass isn't. She swiped the gold out of Del's, Vekel's, and my pockets without us knowing." Brynjolf bragged.

"Really? Perhaps she isn't a waste of our resources but maybe you've just lost your touch. All of ya." He turns to you. "Your first job is to sneak into Goldenglow Estate and clear out Aringoth's safe. And to burn three beehives of his. No more and no less than three. Now get."

You nod and head out. You get some supplies like healing potions, invisibility potions, and some lock picks. Once you stock up you pull your cloak over your head and leave the Riften to scout out the estate. After a while of swimming and lying in wait you notice an entrance to the sewers beneath the estate. You sneak your way over to the sewer entrance but not without feeling a pair of eyes on you. But you discern that it's not of the mercenaries that prowl around the area. It's of someone much like you, someone of the stealing occupation. You've felt this gaze before, back in the Cistern. Mercer. You decided to act as though you knew nothing and continued into the sewers. You made your way along killing whatever stood in your way until you reached the exit to the sewers. After which you lock picked your way into the estate. Once inside you snuck your way upstairs and into Aringoth's room. Wherein you took the bee statue, bee in a jar, and the safe key from Aringoth's pockets. Once acquired you made your way back downstairs and down the stairs to the safe. And once completed you make your way back into the sewers to find muddy footsteps smudged to seem as though no one was there but you. You smirked but returned to the cistern.

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