POV: you sacrificed yourself to save the world

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The silver fire burned bright, the flames tearing open the thin veil between life and death. The foolish immortals thought that sacrificing her would save them. Their eternal life taught them nothing it seems.

Soft winds caressed her face gently before swirling around the proud flag behind her. The army was restless, some already dressed in black. The sky was an odd mix of red and blue, silver flames lighting up the battlefront.

The plan was to sacrifice her and in doing so ensuring their lives were bound to her spirit in the underworld and as spirits could not be destroyed, they thought they were safe. Ignorance is bliss they say. Well in this case destruction was a better term. At least they deigned to provide her with the proper sacrificial dress. Or perhaps the better term would be a lamb to the slaughter. It was lovely in a simplistic way. 

Her loved ones begged and pleaded with her to not do this but she did not yield. A simple smile graced her face as she calmly replied everything would be fine. 

Ignorant. Or simply disbelieving. The gods forget that nothing can ever be truly destroyed.  Her power would simply manifest into someone. They forget the rules written at the dawn of time, at their birth. Rules that had no exception. They believed by sacrificing her the world would be destroyed, all the waning life forces left could be taken for their own.

More fool them. 

Brilliant golden light hit the ground, blinding the nearest soldiers. She scowled. 

"Heaven's last mouthpiece arrives! As if my day was not terrible enough." Her voice rang out across the battlefield in greeting, level and strong. 

"Have you accepted?" Cutting straight to the chase? She tilted her head. "You know I have." her cold tone causing the deity to flinch. "History will remember you." he tried to reassure her.

Her eyes could cut diamonds. "History is dead."

"If history is dead and gone, then how did we get here?"  

The wind whipped through the air, swirling faster and faster. The crimson took over the azure in the sky, golden threads streaking across the sky, each line ending in the quickly growing whirlwind. 

"Just know that when I do this, your fate will be sealed. Nothing can change it." Her eyes danced with hidden secrets, her pale lips set in a vengeful smirk.

Silence descended upon the battle, every soldier stilling as she walked ahead. Killing gold behind and liberating silver ahead. It was quite beautiful in a way, she mused. 

The sky was now mirroring the arena of war, covered completely in the blood of fallen warriors with tarnished gold racing across ending in a whirlpool of burning silver. She could hear the whispers of the dead echoed by the screams of the living.

Her soldiers lifted their right hand to the heavens and placed their left hand across their chests, forming an aisle of honour for her to walk through. Her eyes stung. For the first time, she found herself choking back the sob that threatened to rise at the blatant display of respect and displeasure to the gods.

She had been condemned since birth, the gods seeing her power she could hold and decided that she would be the perfect pawn. They forget that pawns can rise to be queens. And a queen she was, the jewelled flowers that circled her head a reminder of the fact. 

Her foot halted just shy of the edge of the veil. She turned around, head held high then shot a poisonous smile at the foolish deity behind her. He was trying not to show what he thought was victory on his face.

"History will remember you, my lord." The moment the realisation struck him would take a happy place in her memory. He tried to reach out, to stop her but she had already let go. Her crown remained on her head till she disappeared from mortal sight, but the god could see the final triumphant, mocking smile she sent. 

Her power sent a shockwave through the field, disintegrating the immortal. She had possessed no magical power but her influence, her love, her will, her strength and the equal amount that she received from her people was powerful enough. 

Nothing can ever be truly destroyed. All things must come to an end. These are the two laws the world was built on. Arrogance forgot them. And that was their doom.

Her released power infused with the life force of god and shot towards the now closed veil. Silver flames rose to new heights, connecting with the glowing golden threads. Fire engulfed the heavens, gold rusting into melting iron as godly blood fell from the sky, terrified screams fading away from the brilliance of the fallen spirit. 

The light burst into falling rain, washing away the blood and watering the earth once more. A single flower crown lay on the ground, shimmering as the new sun shone down on a world remade.

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